CHAPTER - 19 { Catching Suicune! }


The loud explosion pushed all the fog away from the lake. It was then followed by many small blasts.


With a loud cry, Aerodactyl flew up in the sky and looked down on the lake where Suicune stood with a calm face.

On the left side, Charizard cracked his knuckles and glared at Suicune.

On the right side, Gengar grinned widely and floated above the ground.

These three in Kota's guess should be enough to battle and help him capture Suicune.

"Lucky for you I didn't bring a grass type pokemon."

Said Kota. He ordered both Gengar and Charizard to launch their attacks while Aerodactyl waited and stopped Suicune from escaping.


Charizard used a Flamethrower which burst through the air and headed towards Suicune.

Gengar made five Shadow Balls and shot them. Suicune quickly looked at the two moves and dodged them by stepping back.


Suicide was hit by a powerful Hyper Beam from Aerodactyl. The damage wasn't so severe but also not negligible.

It immediately ran towards the forest but a wall of flame stopped it from its path. Charizard arrived before it and slammed a punch straight to the face.


Suicune crashed on the lake surface and sank in. Gengar flicked his fingers and used Ice Beam on the lake to freeze it.


But Suicune used Hydro Pump and broke the layer of ice on the lake surface then jumped up.

It understood that escaping wasn't possible now and it had to fight. Suicide hit the lake water with his front limbs and caused a ripple.

At first Kota thought that it was some kind of declaration but then the strong and cold wind changed his mind.

"Fuck, it's Blizzard! Charizard, use Sunny Day!"

Shouted Kota hiding behind a thick tree. His body was shivering from the cold.


Charizard concentrated his energy and let it loose, so that the weather could be affected and Blizzard could be stopped.

And would Suicune let him so? Of course not, it charged towards Charizard only to be stopped by Gengar.


Using Psychic, Gengar made Suicune retreat back and bought enough time for Charizard to finish Sunny Day.

The cold and strong winds were gone, the weather became sunny as the move was named.

Suicune growled at the two pokemon before it. The Hyper Beam from Aerodactyl before, had caused some internal injury.

Out of three Legendary Beast Trio, Suicune focused more on defense instead of attacks.

This was the reason it could use many attack moves. Entei was different, it had strong attacks and defense.

"We need to do it fast! Aerodactyl, join the battle!"

Ordered Kota. He was ready with an empty pokeball to catch Suicune.


Aerodactyl dived down and descended from the sky while eyeing Suicune with his deadly stare.

A ball of energy formed in his mouth, which beam down at the lake and splattered the water to drops.

Suicune hopped from one side to another to avoid the Hyper Beam. Both Charizard and Gengar didn't let this chance slip by.


A burst of hot flames, shot out of Charizard's mouth. It was the famous fire move, Fire Blast.


Gengar let out sparks of electricity from his body, which then burst out and hit Suicune directly. Thunder was quite useful against water type pokemon.


Three attacks, Thunder, Fire Blast and Hyper Beam, landed on Suicune creating a loud and massive explosion.

When the dust and smoke cleared, Kota saw Suicune still standing in the center of the dried lake.

Its body was covered in wounds, blood dripped down from its limbs and it looked in pain.

Even so, Suicune didn't admit defeat. It dashed towards Charizard using Extreme Speed then came behind him.



Charizard felt a strong force on his back, Suicune used Hydro Pump and injured him.

Normal Hydro Pump wouldn't have been able to injure him but this was of a Legendary pokemon so… the outcome was expected.

"Aerodactyl, Aerial Ace!"

Aerodactyl flapped his wings and flew in the sky, getting at an insane speed he dived down to attack Suicune.

Seeing him, Suicune rushed towards Gengar and used Double Team. Kota gritted his teeth when he saw Aerodactyl' Aerial Ace fail.

Not everything was like a game, there wasn't a move that can't be dodged or avoided in real life.

"Gengar, Dark Pulse!"

Gengar entered the shadows and appeared behind Suicune, his aura spread widely and made Suicune flinch.


Once again Suicune was hit by Aerodactyl's Hyper Beam which sent it flying on the hard ground.


Charizard roared and flew towards Suicune immediately. His fists were clenched tightly.


As Suicune tried to run, Charizard punched it on the stomach at least three times.


Suicune fell on the ground with a heavy exhaustion, it looked up at Charizard, Gengar and Aerodactyl.

Its human-like eyes blinked, there was a thought in its mind at the start that it might not win. Now the thought has become reality.

It lay down weakly waiting for its fate. Kota walked up to Suicune and captured it without any delay.

"... Haah. Fucking ya!"

Kota gripped the pokeball tightly like a precious treasure. His first ever Legendary pokemon.





His three pokemon congratulated him. They were truly happy to see Kota smile.

Holding the pokeball, he raised it in the air and let out a loud shout.

"Hahaha! I caught it! Suicune!"

* * *

It was night time, the sky was filled with billions of stars far away in space.

On the roof of the hotel, Kota sat at the edge of the building. On his right side, Suicune sat with grace.

(Suicune is genderless, but I will be using 'He' instead of 'It' from now on as he is caught)

"So, you are in the team. What do you think?" Asked Kota with a curious expression, Suicune just gave a nod in response.

"I see you don't say your name like most pokemon. Haha."

Kota laughed and patted Suicune on his back. Suicune's skin was like a scaleless fish's skin in blue color.

Kind of weird but since he has lived in the pokemon world for a considerable time, he adapted.

"Suicune, do you know where Entei and Raikou are?"

Asked Kota. Suicune shook his head, he didn't know as he had been roaming around the world.

Kota pondered for a while before deciding that finding the other two Legendary Beasts was a waste of time.

He doesn't even know if he could find them. But, he was expecting something like Suicune and Entei to happen with Raikou.

If he met Raikou, Kota could easily catch it but he had to be fully prepared.

"Let's talk about Ho-Oh. Do you know where I can find Ho-Oh?"

Suicune nodded his head making Kota unable to close his mouth. Looking at Suicune, he didn't seem to be lying.


Kota tightened his brows. What should he do? Go after Ho-Oh?

'I would be asking for death by doing so.'

Suicune and Ho-Oh were levels apart, Kota didn't believe that he could win so easily.

"But if I can get Lugia… No, that's even harder."

Kota shook his head and sighed. He wasn't powerful enough to fight those two Legendary pokemon.

Even with his strongest pokemon, he couldn't win. Unless Ho-Oh or Lugia were injured or were in their weak state.

"But I don't remember such incidents."

The only thing Kota could do was to collect more Gym Badges and catch more pokemon.

"Suicune, we can actually participate in the Pokemon Contest together."

Smiled Kota. He gently brushed his hands on Suicune, the two spent some time talking before heading to the room to rest.

The next day, Kota planned to challenge the Violet City Gym.

He would be using Charizard and Aerodactyl, if needed, Gengar could also be used.