She went over and shook him. She rolled him over and looked in his blank dead eyes and screamed. She ran to Megan's room to see If she was okay, but she wasn't. Megan was missing her right ear and half her middle finger on her left hand.
Ashley ran out of the house and called the police. They showed up and searched the house all they could find near Charlie was the doll. The officer who found it brought it to Ashley. She saw it and freaked out. Ashley ran down the street to the park and saw all the blood from Charlie. She got up and kept running until the cops picked her up two miles away. They took her to the police station and asked her some questions. She answered every question. Ashley left and Lexie was in an evidence bag titled "Creepy ugly doll,". That night Lexie got out and grabbed the knife from the other evidence box. She went to the lobby and out the front door. She turned up on Ashley's front porch the next morning. The cop s were looking for it when Ashley brought it back. She said "I didn't take it. It was on my porch when I woke up this morning." The cop's response was "if that's true you need to stay in a hotel, so who ever is targeting u won't know where you are.". The next morning Lexie was waiting next to Ashley's room door. Lexie stood up and said "there Is no place you can hide from me. When you try to hide, I will find you no matter how long it takes and no matter how far you go, I will find you" then she slowly walked into a dark corner and waited. Ashley ran into her room got all her stuff and left. Lexie was right behind her creeping around in the shadows. Ashley went to the police station only to find everyone in there was dead and soon she was too. Lexie possessed another persons body and moves into a nice little house with a huge basement.
(three years later)
A nice little family moved into a new neighborhood. They went around to meet everyone the last neighbor they met was right next door. The neighbors' name was Lexie she was about twenty years old. Lexie had invited the family in, but they didn't stay very long. They immediately felt there was something wrong with her, they thought she had a screw loose, but it was far more severe than that. In her basement, she had a commonly used torture device. It is called a pendulum. Every night she would go out at the same time and wouldn't come back until the next morning. every time there was someone with her. For the next three hours, all you could hear was screaming and crying. She would leave but the people or person that was with her was nowhere to be found.
The sun came out and it seemed like everything was fine, but It wasn't. Three weeks went by and they didn't hear anything. Until one night they heard screaming and crying. Their father, Adam, went over to see if everything was ok, Lexie invited him in, and he was there for a good three hours once he came back, he had cuts on his hands and arms. It had him paranoid and distant from everyone. The rest of the family went over to Lexie's house to figure out what had happened to him, they immediately figured It out and tried to confront Lexie about it, but she denied everything. The two kids Hanna and Mason went over thereafter she left and hid in her house until she got home. They followed her and her "guests" around the house until they wound up in the basement. They hid behind some boxes near the wall. The boxes were covered in blood and little chunks of flesh.
Lexie had some family come over for her birthday, believe it or not, they were way worse than she could ever be. Everyone left at the same time and they all came back at the same time with victims. Mason went over there because he heard screaming and yelling Lexie invited him in, they sat in the living room talking. Lexie asked if he wanted to meet her brother, he said yes. They went down to the basement the first thing he saw was the pendulum that was currently being used. Three hours went by and the mother, Amy, was frantically searching for him she went over to Lexie's and Lexie's sister answered the door. Amy asked if mason had been there Lexie's sister said "yeah he Is downstairs. You can just go-ahead down". Amy went down there only to find that mason was tied to a table with the rest of the pendulum overhead.
long story short Amy and Mason were never seen again. Adam and Hanna were worried sick for the longest time. They started to do some background searches on their neighbors. All of them had a clear history except for one, Lexie. Adam went over to confront her, but she did the same thing that she had done to her other victims. Hanna for some reason broke back into Lexie's house and she ran into Lexie's sister and brother. They snatched her from the window and dragged her by her ear down to the basement forcing her to watch her father die tied to a table with the pendulum blade swinging above. She screamed but it didn't seem to affect anyone because they all loved the sound of little girls screaming. After two years a new family moved into that house.