

They were quiet and considerate but there was one thing that nobody in the neighborhood appreciated, they were snoopy. Which is why they only lasted in that neighborhood for a week. The two daughters were the worst of them all every night they would sneak out and break into the neighbors houses and steal stuff like toys and any kind of electronics. The worst part is they were twins if they got caught then all they had to do was look at them and talk I unison with kind of a deadly look in their eyes. Everyone else in the family were only looking in peoples backyards and stuff but nothing like what the twins would do. the twins were more like creeps that steal instead of nice respectable little girls. The worst part is they were twins if they got caught then all they had to do was look at them and talk I unison with kind of a deadly look in their eyes. Everyone else in the family were only looking in people's backyards and stuff but nothing like what the twins would do. Honestly nobody in the world could do what the twins do. Anyways one night they went in Lexie's house there was nothing good on the main floor or the second floor so they went to the basement and the first thing they saw was the pendulum cutting another person in half. They kept going deeper within the basement only to find a rack. The ancient torture device used to stretch out limbs until eventually they are ripped off. Lexie enjoyed using her "new toy" in fact her first victims were the twins. Next, the parents. Soon the whole family was wiped out by the same torture device. After the house was vacant for about two years lonely former police officer moved in that did not reside well with Lexie. She went out of her way to make his life hell, but he did not seem to care and that piss Lexie off. When the officer went out. Lexie used that time to break into his house and steal his gun. An hour past since then. When the officer got home, he saw that his gun along with two boxes of bullets were missing. He went upon one of his neighbors to ask if they had seen anything. The neighbor directly said, "Go over to Lexie's house she was over there earlier today," he went over there to confront her, she invited him in. He without hesitate went inside and he questioned her.

"Why were you in my house" he asked. She did not answer. Instead she asks if he was thirsty, he replied "Sure, I can use something to drink." He was going to use that time to look around. Once she left to fetch his drink. He looked around, but she came back quick. There she stood with his gun ready to load it. He was spooked, he could not move. Once he walked into her house, he knew there was something off about it. She aimed the gun at his head. He took a step back. *Boom* One bullet shot out into his left leg. He crumbled to the ground and begged for mercy which she didn't grant him. Lexie forcibly yanked him by his shirt and dragged him downstairs. He looked at the rack, he then wiggled, trying his best to get out of her grip. She hooked him up to the rack. She heard sirens and ran up out of her basement. Luckily she would have been caught, if she didn't run out. She moved out after that incident. She found a nice little house just outside of Pittsburgh PA, she still had her torture devices. Lexie's favorite thing to do was use the rack and record the sound of the limbs popping out of the socket and the muscle tearing then eventually the sound of their limbs being ripped off and the sound of blood pouring out all over the floor and the table. there is one thing that I didn't mention while Lexie was still alive she began to act as a copy cat of the notorious Dr. Death or Harold Shipman he killed 218 people possibly more. Although he did make it to trial he was only convicted of 15 murders. Later that week he hung himself in his cell awaiting transport to the prision in which he would be put on death row