David Smith, the Manager for the nightclub 'MidNight' stared at me with a stern look across his face then went back to looking through my resume. This has been going on for hours now, yes he might be wondering if what I wrote on it was true or false but it's really accurate.

(I'm a bitch, I'm a boss) I wrote that on a specific line from the Doja Cat song now I'm regretting doing so.

I am trying not to be or look nervous but here I am sitting in front of him sweating from both hands, like a wet pig. You see this club doesn't just hire anyone, you must have the experience and requirements needed to work there.

Not to mention the looks, men want to see sexy ladies working in clubs so they can prey off them with their uncomfortable eyes.

Plus this is my last chance to get my life on track from the loss of my previous job that didn't end well because of my stubborn attitude towards the boss but it wasn't only that.

I called my previous boss's wife a fucking slut whose being cheating on her husband with his brother and uncle. (there was a video of them doing a threesome and it got leaked on only fans) honestly, I hurl seeing the video. Then I crash his private meeting slapping the guy in his face for begin so stupid also I went on to expose him banging the head chairman's daughter in his office.

(Not going to lie but the sluts and the horny ass bitches were everywhere at my previous workplace) Which resulted in me being fired, the fun part was I threw my papers across the table telling him I was gonna quit anyway.

Then I walked out of the building putting on my black shades like I'm in a Marvel movie but without any explosions in the background.

"Miss Park, you start working today at 7pm sharp, I hope we don't have any problems with your attitude," He told me while closing the resume in front of him. Standing up I shook his hands with a generous smile while screaming inside that I got the job then proceeded to leave.

"Oh Miss Park," I turned back to see him straighten out his grey blazer jacket then raise his head back up.

"How about dinner tomorrow?" The confidence he displayed is satisfying to see in men nowadays, this is the tenth time today I've been asked to dinner. Look I know I'm beautiful but I also know my limits when it comes to men.

To me they're like dogs just wagging their tails around at any female they found attractive.

I'm starting to think what people said about me might be true, which is that I can surely speak four languages like English, Profanity, Sarcasm, and Real Shit.

"I'm seriously flattered but I have to decline. You're not my cup of tea sweetheart, still I don't even drink tea." Closing the door behind me I didn't miss the sad expression on his face. It's not my fault I haven't been in a relationship for the past 23 years.

You know how you are waiting for your perfect prince charming to ride in on his black horse and sweep you off your feet? Well yes, I've been waiting for the right person who will understand me inside out, who will love me for me and accept my flaws.

Walking out of the building and towards my car, my phone began to ring so I stopped to answer.

"Tell me the details asap." Rolling my eyes because she's always like this, always got to have details even the small ones. Putting my purse in the backseat then connecting my phone on Bluetooth I proceeded to drive off.

"Well of course I got the job but also a dinner request."

"And of course he ain't your cup of tea wait you don't drink tea." Abbe-gale is the only friend I need in my life and the one that will listen to my bullshit, tell me my bullshit is bullshit but still listens.

That is support.

She understands too well that I can judge a person just by looking at them and the type of body language they display.

"Look I know you want me to date which is annoying but let's just wait for a bit." I sighed.

"Ugh, whatever you say. I'll see you at 8pm plus I've already dropped off your uniform at home." She finished talking then hung up.


Upon arriving home, I was completely annoyed when my sight landed on Bruce who was there banging on my door. I told the guy I'm not into him two years ago but he keeps showing up.

Sometimes I wish I didn't get involved with some people, should have left it at hello and kept moving.

"BRUCE!" I shouted, getting out of my car so he could see me.

"If you don't leave I won't hesitate to either call the police or hire someone to kill you." Reluctant to leave as always, he stood there having some large flashcards in his hands with writings on them.

"Katherine just give me a chance," he begs.

Rubbing my head because this situation is already giving me a headache, he can be such an imbecile person when he needs to be.

"Listen I'm not interested so please leave. I don't have the time of day for this Bruce."

It took him about 4 minutes to leave. Walking towards the door he left a note, as usual, I picked it up then tossed it inside the trash bin. Once inside I set up the security code then made my way to my room. My house isn't all fancy, it's a simple cozy home with two bathrooms and bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. It's peaceful and silent just the way I like it.

Once in my room, my uniform was neatly placed on the bed with a little note.

**`' I'm coming over in 30 mins'**

Abbey :)

"Hey, Kath I've brought some stuff you may like."

Well, she's right on time.

I made my way towards the kitchen where she was placing stuff in the refrigerator, I always forget to restock.

"Girl you won't believe who the fuck pull up at my doorstep," I said grabbing the vanilla and chocolate ice cream she just brought.

"Let me think for a sec, your new admirer." She teases knowing too well I hate the guy from the bottom of my pitch-black heart.

"Anyways cut the chit-chat. It's on the news that some idiot broke into Royal Woods." She continues.

Who in their right mind would have the nerve to break into Royal Woods? A fucking fool, that's who. People can't put in their shallow brains, that's the only place that is off-limits to us locals.

"Who knows, maybe he is going to be punished by the king who's known to be brutal to trespassers," I told her, still stuffing my mouth with ice cream.

"That I don't get. The king was known to be kind and loving for centuries or so I've read in books, what even happened." I looked at her with my eyebrows raised.

"That's a mystery. It's said that thousand years ago his mate was brutally killed by his own father and ever since he locked himself away from our kind. No one has ever seen the Royal family for that matter." She muttered.

That guy had a fucked up life.

Looking at the time, it's 7:46pm so we decided to head on over to my room to get ready to head out for work.

The thought that no one has ever seen the Royal family, they're a mystery itself.