I have been working for only three hours and already earn a good portion of cash which for me is a win-win based on my great social skills.

Gazing my eyes across the overcrowded club room, I spotted Abbey sharing out beers and a few whiskies. Waving my hands to gain her attention in which I got when our eyes met.

Then she happily walked on over with the black tray underneath her arm, with her what do you want look spread across her bored face.

Feeling pleased with my new accomplishment, I showed her my process. Funny, I'm like a child showing her older sister how I did at my work assignment.

"Not bad.... for starters," She chuckled while taking a seat in front of me before counting the tips she had received also. Putting the cash away in my purse, I straightened out my uniform then proceeded to order us some drinks.

"Hey Richard, two beers," I shout over the overbearing music that's pounding my ears before showing two fingers to indicate two beers.

MidNight is one of the most famous clubs here in town that attracts people from all over, even teenagers who fake their age just to slip in here on a nightly basis. The lighting is a shade of dark purple with sky blue matching the theme but sometimes it would change to red.

Honestly speaking, I was supposed to meet the owner but he postpones stating he has a business trip to attend in Brooklyn.

Without noticing, the beers were already placed in front of me with a note. Glancing up I noticed the bartender eyeing me curiously from the other side then going back to take orders.

Not to sound rude but I find it really interesting how everywhere I go there's just gonna be a guy to have interest in me.

Did I write, "hey I want to hook up with any guy" on my back?

"Richard huh? well let's see," I whisper to myself before checking him out. He was tall, hair neatly styled in cornrows, had a good body structure, had dark chocolate eyes and a cute face. His uniform seems a bit tight, like how it's revealing his well defined muscle but something was holding me back, I just can't figure out what.

Not having time to read the note, I tossed it in a corner like I always do when I got love letters and notes from desperate men.

"I've witnessed the whole thing, you're really hard to catch. You usually hook up with guys back in the day but now it seems you're acting pure," Abbey pointed out with a stern glare while giving her the beer.

"Trust me, babe, no man's gonna catch me anytime soon," I muttered while drinking down the bitter liquid, damn it's being a well my mouth felt like a stranger with the beer.

Alexa plays Single Ladies by Beyoncé.


Now back on my feet after my small break, running back and forth throughout the club. I've barely managed to avoid bumping into people but it was getting difficult as the place was getting more packed by the minute.

Just as I was about to head back to my spot my shoulder slightly brushed past a dark figure, looking behind me I didn't see anything.

I hope this place isn't haunted.

Dropping my tired body on a nearby chair, a notification pops up on my phone. Looking at it, it was the news Abbey was telling me about earlier, it clearly states in bright red to not cross over at Royal Woods.

"Bet those bloodsuckers kill that idiot," I shook my head while scrolling through some articles about the news.

I flinched in surprise, a sting was felt on my arm bringing my attention elsewhere. Looking down was a note with sharp edges. The writing on it was really neat and beautiful to read...

''Katherine, I know your name because of the name tag. Wonder if you could serve me a drink; P.S I'm at the V.I.P section''


You have got to be joking, can't this person see I'm sitting on my tired ass? Glancing around there was another employee who was on her break.

Placing both hands around my mouth "AMANDA!" I shout loud enough.

She was startled before quickly looking around, seeing it was me she walked on over. I told her to get a drink and give it to whoever is called V.K at the V.I.P section.

Happily going back on my phone another sting was felt on my arm.


Rolling my eyes I grab the note off the floor.

''I thought you would serve me the drink but instead you sent someone to your place. I send her back, I'll be waiting''


For the love of God, I know this little game won't end unless I serve the guy. I stood up then walked over to Amanda who handed me the drink before mouthed a sorry. I shook my head at her with a small smile.

Going straight over to the V.I.P corner, there was only a guy dressed in full black (what is this men in black) seated while on his phone.

This must be the annoying bastard.

"V.K right?" I asked with a bored tone making sure he's the guy. I even yawn a little to display how tired I was at this little game of his.

He looked up but for a second I was stunned by his eyes. I've never seen those types before but I think I've seen them somewhere but my brain refused to tell me.

Ugh, stupid brain.

"You sounded bored," Wow he even has a calm and sexy voice.

Katherine behaves!

Placing the drink in front of him, I then began to run both hands through my hair. Don't know why I'm doing this all of a sudden.

I looked back at the guy with a stern look while having my hands on my hips.

"Because can't you take notice that I'm clearly not in the mood to serve you? I was on my fucking shift, there was plenty of waitresses that were free," I snorted.

He chuckled. "You're here now aren't you? So I don't see that as a problem," He took a sip of his drink mocking me with his eyes before going back to whatever he was doing.

Ridiculous bastard, I thought to myself.

"You seem like a stubborn one," I stop in my tracks glancing back to see him already standing with both hands in his pocket. This gives me some time to see how he looks, for the start he's smoking sexy from head to toe.

Fuck! He's just my type of guy, minus the attitude. He really pulls off the messy hairstyle and.....

"Like what you see right?" He asked playfully with a smirk, cutting me out of thoughts.

Folding my arms.... I'm not gonna say he's right, well he is the only decent guy I've served so far. "I wasn't looking at you besides you're not the only guy here ugh just go to hell will yah," I huffed.

"Ok Katherine, plus I'm not ridiculous but unpredictable and---" He held up his index finger.

"Where do you think I came from anyway? Heaven?" He says with that calm voice of his then I watched his eyes darken for a bit.

He walked closer but my feet didn't move, it was stuck as if someone poured cement on them. "Don't let the Vampires bite cause it'll hurt," he whispered.

"Thanks for the drink," he then walked off.

Once he was completely gone, I collapsed on the chair putting my hands on my beating heart.


"The strangest thing happened while I was serving at the back," Abbey said as I drove out the driveway. It's now 2am and I'm tired as hell. My feet are aching and my eyes are ready to drop shut.

"What?" I looked towards her for a second seeing a look of interest on her face then made my focus back on the road.

"This guy dressed in all black," she began cutting me off guard. The feeling in my chest strangely tightened for a bit, but once she said that he had majestic brown eyes my nerves relaxed.

"So did he tell you his name?" I asked.

"Only his initial K.P," She replied, showing me a note.

"That's strange the same thing happened to me, only this guy has hazel eyes."

Not wanting to think about it, we decided it's best to just shrug off the feeling.

I waved goodbye once I dropped her off at her place then drove to mine which was an hour's drive from her house.

Back at home, I took a nice warm shower, closing my eyes. The feeling of my body being soaked with water was relaxing.

I spent a good thirty minutes here then proceeded to dry off then put on my nightgown. Once my nightly routine was finished I made my tired self straight to bed.

Those damn hazel eyes were the only thing that came to mind with a distant face to them.

I cursed realizing I was wrong, that guy totally caught my eyes and mostly my interest.

I could even feel his hot breath on my neck.