'You are my love'

'My everything'

'My queen'

'Please don't die on me!'

'Don't leave me!'


I jolted awake, out of my sleep with both hands gripping my hair trying to process what that was. Why does it feel so real unlike the others?

My breathing was unstable, my body was shaking, my head was spinning and my heart was beating extremely fast for my comfort.

Waking up time and time again in the middle of the night, being motionless, frozen, numb, lost in time and space taken over my past forces. Past forces I can't even recall throughout my memories.

Quickly jumping out of bed, I ran towards the bathroom where I kept all my medical supplies just in case of any emergency like this. Rapidly searching through each of the cabinets a hint of realization hit me, I forgot to restock the damn cabinet.

"Shit, why do I always forget to get the important stuff." I breath out trying to calm my nerves but it wasn't working.

'Think about him' That voice again, it keeps appearing without any sort of warning.

'Think about him'

"Who? Who the hell are you talking about!" I shout at no one in particular, That's it I'm definitely losing my mind. I'm talking to myself, sensing that it would not kill to try to think about whatever this person is. I then began scrambling my brain trying to think of who in particular but nothing happened.

I was freaking the heck out, my hands are shaking so much it doesn't matter how hard I try, I can't control my own body. Suddenly it clicked, that guy but it worked.

He's someone I've never seen before.


"Those hazel eyes."

Keeping my mind blank as possible, the thought was on those mysterious hazel eyes. Then in just seconds my body was back to normal, my breathing was now back to normal. I dropped myself on the bathroom floor exhaling out a huge amount of breath, I didn't realize it was there at the top of my lungs.

Staring at the empty glass on the floor next to me, impulsively grabbing it screaming out only in fear as I threw it against the wall, watching it shatter to pieces like how my soul is slowly shattering into nothing.

Sobbing I brought my legs up against my chest, hugging them tightly while I rested my head onto my knees.

"It's happening again, these nightmares are still clinging onto me." And I was more than terrified.


The Next Day

"There seems to be no problem, your heart rate and body temperature is stable." Miss Fox, my local doctor, explained as she came into her office with my check up results. Sitting around her desk, she handed me the result.

I sighed, already feeling exhausted from all this, scanning through the results myself to make sure what she was saying was accurate... which was. Leaning back in the chair I tend to just massage my temples as I let out another stressful sigh. Couldn't even sleep well last night, my brain was all over the place. I was afraid to sleep, during my time on this earth the only thing that I feared was the sudden nightmares.

"Ok, Miss Noel." Doc Fox spoke looking more than concerned. I don't blame her, I've been coming here for years looking for a suitable treatment for whatever is going on with me. It's like the more I'm here, the more she doesn't know what's going on herself.

"When was the last time this situation occurred?"

"It last came three years ago," I told her, watching as her fingers began taking down notes.

"Have any clue on what might be the trigger to it, has anything happened in the past?" Thinking about it, I don't have any past problems nor can't remember if something or someone attacks me but the dreams seem, it feels like a record of what I should or may know. That strange guy I served last night but that can't be a coincidence... could it.

"No," I lied.

"Are you sure?" She questioned while giving me a stern look before intertwining her fingers.

"Positive," I smiled.

Afterwards, we talked about getting new medication and having frequent check ups which would lessen the stress I'm in.

Finally after all that talking, stepping out of the office I breathed in the fresh air of September feeling refreshed, then walked over to a small café down the street called Meghan Café, the same place I'm supposed to meet up with Abbey.

Feeling the cool breeze brush past my skin, felt as if my soul's alive once more.

Pushing the café door, I was overwhelmed with the smell of baked cupcakes, cookies and other pastries that this place has. I went to sit at the table that's near the corner so it would be easy for that friend of mine to notice me, when she walked in.

"Good day miss may I take your order." Wow, the service here is fast.

"A macchiato and a mocha latté," I told the waitress, she nodded and then left.

Tapping my fingers on the table is a way for me to keep myself occupied, there's nothing productive in the media, I want to know more about those vampires. Honestly they could be among us right now.

In about five minutes the bell that's connected to the door rang signaling that someone has entered, finally the queen has arrived late as ever.

Just in time our drinks were ready.

"Sorry I'm late," She told me while taking a seat in front of me. Shaking my head, I gave her the mocha latte.

"You're always late, if I tell you to meet a 12 you came at 1" I teased in which she playfully rolled her eyes.

"So how was it?" She questions ignoring what I just said.

Going through my handbag I took out the proscription I was given then handed them over to her. "She also encouraged me to take counselling."

"Counselling?" Abbey snapped her head up with a confused face. "What's counselling gonna do?" She took a sip from her latte.

"Yep," I said not forgetting to pop the P. "I don't know but knowing me, I'm not going." I shrug

Sitting back I noticed something was off with how Abbey was behaving, she's not asking for the full details nor I'm, I'm hearing her sarcastic comments.

Folding my arms. "What's on your mind and don't tell me that crap saying you're fine," I looked sternly at her waiting.

"My dad's out of prison. That's where I was, trying to convince the higher ups to keep him there but they said that he already served his time." She finished with her head turned away from me so I wouldn't see the tears.

Her so-called father should rot in jail, a matter of fact hell's the right place for a psychopath like him. The things he has done, is a memory that I won't forget.

I slam my fist on the table pissed off by the damn news. "Come on. It's better you stay at my place where it's safe, your dad doesn't even know where I live after all." I stood up putting my payment on the table with a little note as we both exited the café.

I have my own problems, Abbey has hers. Too many problems are occurring, it feels like a rainstorm.

"By the way," I wonder with curiosity.

"Have you told your mom?" I asked stopping in front of my car.

"No," She gasped with wide eyes.

This is going to be one hell of a ride, "Let's go then."