Arriving at my home I instantly noticed that the gates and front door were left open. Worried for my mom, I quickly unbuckled the seatbelt but to my dismay, Kath decided to hold me back. Turning to look at her with a confused look, her expression was serious.

"It's better to go in from the back door," She explained.

Nodding in understanding, we came out of the car then walked carefully around the back of the house. Thinking about it, honestly, it has been a very long time since I've put my father in prison. Not one single day went by with the guilt I felt for what he did to me, my mother, and also someone I cherish the most. Deep down I should have spoken about the situation earlier but I think it wasn't the right time and place for it.

I've been wanting to speak to Kath about it, I mean we've never kept secrets from each other before. Our motto is and will never change between us which is 'all about knowing the details even the smallest ones' but this time, this's one detail I'm not gonna force onto her so in my own personal opinion it should be left alone. Until I'm ready.

Approaching the back door, we were greeted with complete darkness even though it's 12noon, the sun hotter than ever but walking throughout the house. All the windows were covered with black curtains, which my mom really liked.

"Your mom still has these damn curtains," Kath chuckled.

"I'll check down here for anything suspicious. You check upstairs," I told her before going separate ways.

Searching everywhere from the kitchen to the living room there was nothing, searching the rooms nothing, the storeroom nothing. Ugh, I slammed my fist on the table, getting really annoyed. What was dad doing here in the first place? What does he want?

"Abbey, I found your mom!" I heard Kath yell from the staircase easing me out from my overbearing thoughts.



"Did he hurt you in any way?"

We're now at my house in the guest room I've arranged for my friend and her mom. The room has everything they need, two queen size beds, a large flat screen tv, fresh clean clothes that are arranged neatly in the draws.

"Just a few bruises but apart from that I'm fine," Her mom told us looking much better than she was before during the car ride back.

I wasn't really convinced by her tone. "Mrs. Jones, you're not fine, tell us the reason." She was a bit nervous looking down while playing with her wedding ring, why does she still have that? Although I was a bit bothered by her holding onto the past of the awful person, it was still her decision.


Looking at Abbey, who was also looking towards me with the same look. We both were thinking the same thing, still I was gonna comment on that but she continued.

"When I first met Russel he didn't show any signs of mental illness, he was the sweetest person but things began to take a turn after a few years. He's been obsessed with killing vampires, saying they killed his family. Knowing that our country is mixed with vampires and humans for centuries, his mind has been going in and out causing him to be....." She sniffled, not being able to continue any further.

Deciding to leave the two, giving them some personal time to calm down their nerves. Heading to the bathroom, I wanted to wash my face because for some odd reason my body was getting hot. All of a sudden, my hands gripped on the face basin for just a few minutes then I calmed myself down before washing my face.

Later, I'll take those medications.

Finished with what I'm doing, I leave a text on Abbey's phone saying I'm heading out to get some groceries. Grabbing my car keys and purse, making sure I've got everything I needed, I'm making my way out the door. Pressing the button on my car keys allows me to unlock it from my phone. Before going into the car, I rushed back inside to set the security code once that was in place, I then walked towards my car.

Sliding into the driver's seat, I was about to drive off when I realized I've received a few text messages on my phone.

Abbey: Be safe and don't let the vampires bite plus can you buy me some chocolate thanks :)))

Rolling my eyes I started my car and drove off.


It only took me around twenty minutes to reach my destination. Getting out of my car in the afternoon was becoming cold so I put on my jacket then walked towards the store.

There were only a few customers in here which means it won't take long for me to get the things I need. "Ok, so milk, bread, eggs, waffles, fruit juices," I read the stuff off the list that I need to buy. "When did I place vegetables on this list, who cares let's cross it off. Veggies and I are enemies."

Finished collecting all I needed along with the chocolates, which I cashed out at the cashier.


Driving around the junction, I turned the radio on to see if one of my favorite songs would play. When I was about to make a right turn there was a van on the side of the road with a guy waving his hands in the air while shouting something.

Don't stop to help, keep driving.

"Please can someone help, my wife's in labor!" I heard the guy shout desperately for help.

Cursing myself for being so damn helpful on most occasions. Pulling over on the road I rushed out to help, although I wasn't in the mood to do so.

"Sir what's the matter?" I asked, trying to calm the guy who for starters was really handsome but too bad he was already married. Pushing the thought aside because it's really unnecessary, I focus back on the situation.

"She's in the back seat but we're new in town and are not familiar with which way the nearest hospital might be," He told me, looking extremely worried. A few more minutes and he could even pass out.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket to see which hospital would be near here.

"What's your name?" I asked.


"Ok Chris, you just drive straight then turn right at the very far end then another right and you will see a blue sign which signals you at the hospital," I told him while checking on the wife who passed out from the pain.

"Thank you so much," He told me then hopped into the vehicle driving off.

I stand there looking while the van continues to drive in the distance. Sighing I looked up in the sky for a few minutes just wanting to close my eyes and breathe before heading back.

"Swear I've seen that guy before," I thought for a brief second.

"But where?"

Remembering the other messages I've received earlier, I unlocked my phone seeing one was from an unknown number. Curious as always, I opened the text.

Unknown: Don't be alarmed, I want to know more about you. How about making Friday nights our meeting time ;)


That little runt how the hell did he get my number. He's really unpredictable like he said.



"She's definitely the one Vincent was talking about. It's a pity we couldn't bring her with us," I sighed looking in the rearview mirror to see Valentina climbing in the passenger seat.

"I know, I can feel it. She's the one for sure but we have to wait for her to realize." She responded looking a bit nervous.

"You're nervous right?" I tease.

"Of course I am," She snorts. "Vincent is gonna go on a rampage anytime the blood drive occurs. If she's not there, it would be better to have her blood than animal or any other human blood."

In my opinion, he's been holding up really strong over the past years by consuming human blood but only humans that disobey the treaty rules.

"Your acting was really impressive, Kaz but you could have chosen a better name than Chris." I shook my head, well at least she's excited.

I glance at her for a moment then back on the road. The legacy was true after all. That vision Vin has been getting is coming to life just hoping history doesn't repeat itself like last time.

"The Rebirth of the Queen," She is finally reborn.

"Secrets are going to be out for sure."