Who would have thought that one of the employees working at this specific club in town would be the girl I'm looking for? Even having such an impulsive effect on me just by looking into her eyes for a brief second is driving me completely insane for the past week. One thing about her eyes is that it's a dark chocolate brown color with a dash of light brown circled around in the center.

That's when I knew, that's when it dawned upon me that it's the same rare color of my first love.

I wanted to know for sure if it might be her, so I went back to the club that same night looking for her only to find out she was already gone. Luckily I came across the same girl. I turned back with the drink and asked for Katherine's number.

Of course, she was reluctant not to give the number to a complete stranger that looked like some player, who seemed to want to have a one-night stand with her co-worker.

If the young lady knew who she was talking to, she wouldn't be so reluctant. Instead, I pull the fake card, saying I'm some childhood friend who lost her contact number years ago but forgot to ask for it, etc.

Heading back to Royal Woods, I inform both my sister and Kaz about the strong bond I've felt. Yes, they were also confused as I was because it's impossible to have a second mate in the supernatural world of ours.

"It's these visions I've been receiving," I began that said night in my office.

"Visions what vision?" Kaz asked before I could even continue.

"Ten years ago I believe but it was only worded in my thoughts, I didn't think much of it until I heard 'she's still alive the moment I was on my way to City Hall," I told them as I went to sit around my desk.

"That's the reason you were late?" Kaz folded his arms with that look. "Are you worried about me being late or what's currently happening with me?" I snorted, how did we become friends?''

"If and only if it's really her, maybe we can tail her tomorrow," Val spoke.


Later on throughout the afternoon around 3pm, when I received news from both Valentina and Kaz implying that they also felt the royal connection radiating off of her. Of course, I didn't rush things because I didn't want to scare her off.

Like, imagine a Vampire King who doesn't show his image to the public (humans) for specific reasons suddenly comes to you, saying you're his mate that died a long time ago.

"I just have to find a way for her to at least remember. Most importantly remember me," I whisper to myself, also smirking when I received a text from her saying she's at the library with her friend.

Although it's been a week, we're making progress here.

Not gonna lie, but it pisses me off whenever I'm at the club during the week, and they're just gonna be some guy wanting a piece of her. It wouldn't be hard snapping their heads with my hands in a heartbeat if it wasn't for my loyal friend Kaz reminding me about the treaty I've signed and that as I am royalty, I shouldn't behave that way.

Chuckling, he didn't have to remind me about that bullshit. Those pesky creatures have been breaking into our place for some time now. The humans nowadays don't care about the treaty, they aren't like the ones centuries ago who respect rules and regulations.

That's why the people of this country can't follow both the government and our rules. There will be death knocking on their door when I show my true self if they tend to cross the line they shouldn't be crossing.

"Still thinking about her huh?" My head perked up as Val walked into my office with a cup of coffee in hand and more paperwork that needed my attention.

"I hate coffee," I told her looking at the thing she placed on my desk with disgust.

"It's the only thing that helps boost your energy apart from the blood bags you keep storing," She scolded sitting on the leather couch that's on the left side of the office.

"When is the blood drive?" I asked now in a more serious tone. It took her a while to answer. "In the next two months."

"You're not planning on hunting this time are you?"

Val knows too damn well I have to hunt this time around not only for me but the people. It's been a while since we last hunted and I'm not canceling it like last time.

Vampires that are ruled under the Knights, which is my family name, have to hunt every two weeks to have enough blood that would keep us composed until the blood drive has passed so we wouldn't go on a rampage and start taking innocent lives.

"I told you, didn't I? That's a question you shouldn't ask when you already know the answer," I told her, getting annoyed.

"What about the question I've asked earlier?" She stood up facing me with her arms folded and her eyebrows raised. I studied her knowing too well she wanted to piss me off and I'm not here for it.

"You really want to go there? Not because your my sister means I would be easy on you," I explained to her in a more calm tone.

"Sorry," She finished and then left. Rolling my eyes, I hate having to deal with her daily.



"Can't you stop texting your boyfriend for a few minutes," Abbey pouts when I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying?

Putting down my phone. "He's not my boyfriend, we've only been texting and seeing each other only at the club for a week."

I blushed while I continued finishing up some work I have to do for Miss Ray who owns the library here and can't properly handle technology.

"So why are you blushing?" She smirked.

"Whatever bitch, can't a girl blush." I joked then we burst out laughing.

"Okay, so what were you trying to say?" I asked, stopping myself from laughter then putting my focus on her.

"I want to buy a house," She squealed.

"A house?"

"Yes Kath, you know a place where people live in." She teases while chuckling for a few minutes then back came her straight face.

"Like how my mom is in New York with her sisters, I think it was best I buy a house just in case." And just in case I knew perfectly well what she meant.

"Sounds great plus it would be good to explore a new environment anyway." I smiled, showing her she has got my full support.

It's currently 2pm, Abbey has to go to the real estate agent about the house she was talking about. Still in the library finishing up the last three documents. I heard a few noises here and there, guessing it's just Miss Ray packing away the books. I ignored it cause she's always making noise.

"Miss Ray where did you put the thumb drive?!" I shouted so she could hear me but there was no answer. Finally looking up from the work I was doing, I was nearly startled to death.

"What the fuck!" I almost scream resting my hands on my beating heart.

"Sorry did I scare you?" He chuckled with amusement and clearly enjoyed seeing me suffer.

"Yah think," I glared at him.

"What are you doing here anyway and how did you know I'm at this library?" I question becoming curious about him every time we're together.

"I was itching to see you Katherine plus this is the most popular library so I wanted to try my luck."

Biting my lips, I roll my eyes going back to what I was doing. Vincent stayed quiet but I could feel his burning gaze. Feeling like a small potato I turned my position but my body was cold.

The time is freaking sunny, there's no air conditioner in here but yet still I'm cold. What the hell? Not paying attention I felt when he wrapped his arms around me.

"I sensed you were cold," He whispered against my ear. It's crazy but I couldn't fight it any longer so I turned around and wrapped my hands around his neck bringing him closer for his body heat.

He didn't react in any way I expected, which was off at first but I didn't think much about it. We pulled apart for a moment when Vincent put his hands on my jaw and slowly leaned forward bringing his lips to mine.


The soft feeling of her lips against mine is enough to make me want more. Trying my best to hold back in case she reacted in any way but to my surprise, she wrapped back her arms around my neck pulling us closer and deepening the kiss.

Our tongues intertwined with me wanting more of this.

The years I've spent missing her kiss, missing her taste, missing Katherine completely but I pulled away remembering I can't stay long during the daytime without my special necklace.

"I'll see you later, my love," I told her, leaving her face all flustered.

Leaving the library, I hope I didn't rush things. "Well, you can't even control your hormones. Let's drive you." my companion muttered as we both walked to my car.