
'Time: 12 midnight'

'The moment you'll die, you will remember the curse that was brought upon you, also the bloody hands that tortured your soul and killed you for all these years'

'Time is ticking away where you will be back to take the crown and to finished what he has started'


"Katherine!" Snapping out the trance I was in, turning my focus towards Abbey who was staring at me suspiciously then to concern. Going in her bag she took out a face towel then proceeded to wipe my face.

"Tears were streaming down on your cheeks," She told me when I was looking at her confused. "It's nothing important, don't worry about it," I told her when she was about to ask questions.

I met up with her here at the real estate agent's office waiting on the person to get here with the papers so I could work my magic and get the house my friend fell in love with.

The door behind us opened as the guy walked in with the papers. I watched as he took a seat in the tiny office we were in, which definitely needs to flourish. He continues to write up the documents Abbey handed in earlier before I arrive here.

Getting uncomfortable in the seat I was in because my ass was too big on this small metal chair and the skirt I was wearing was a bit too short for my liking but goes well with my blouse. That's the reason why I wear it.

I was getting annoyed every time the guy was continuously wiping his sweaty face and neck with a bleach-out hand towel, which he disgustingly threw on the floor near the bin with the rest of the trash he had piled up.

Clearing my throat. "For God's sake hurry up with what you're doing and stop throwing trash on the floor, it is obviously disgusting just like this office." I spat tapping my foot on the floor, losing my patience because we've been in here for the past two hours.

"Excuse my friend here, she doesn't know when to shut that little mouth of hers." Abbey nervously laughed as she glared at me with a look I hardly ever see. Not gonna lie, I was stunned by her expression. The guy was offended by my comment but it's the truth and there's no turning back from it.

The truth's gonna hurt whether you like it or not.

The house was located on Crescent Avenue which, to me, I have never heard of before. It was strange how long I've been living here but I didn't question it. When she told the guy that she's buying the house the same day he nearly has a heart attack because it's the most expensive house and no one wants to spend a huge amount of cash on a house.

"Are you sure?" He asked us.

"Did we stutter?" I raise an eyebrow.

So the house/mansion was located near a forest, and was also surrounded by a great view of a lake that was nearby and nature. The way she was describing this house I would have been an idiot not to help her with this huge opportunity no one wants.

"Ok, sign here and it's yours," He told us with a glint of something in his eyes.

Looking at the paper then back at the agent who was desperately waiting, I signed my signature along with Abbey who was pleased with herself.

I took out 1.3 million in check and she took out 1.2 million also in check then handed it both over on his desk. There is a certain method in life which requires having a good amount of money and that's saving, having a good job that pays, and seducing the manager to raise both our payments cause baby we ain't cheap but highly expensive.

"Pleasure doing business with you ladies." We both shook his hand then left his office with the required papers and everything else that seemed important. Once we're out the door, I took out my baby wipes to clean my hands because I don't know what he has been doing all day with his hands.

"We have to celebrate tonight at work," Abbey says excitedly, shaking her new house keys. "You owe me bitch," I laughed getting in my car watching her wink at me.



That girl has a wild attitude no wonder he's after her, she's a special one with a flare of fire in her eyes. I thought to myself putting away both cheques in an envelope.

My phone rang echoing throughout the small office. I flinch, feeling nervous to even speak with him on the phone.

"Yes, sir it's all in motion, let's just hope her Guardian can keep her identity in check until the time is upon us," I spoke nervously.

"Good you didn't fail me so I'm pleased." He then hung up. Sighing a heavyweight lift off my chest, if I was to fail. I would have to kiss my life goodbye.

God really blessed that soul, for our prayers have been answered.



"You what?"

"You heard me, I want to do it again," Kath looked at me while we both stepped out of the car. We now are at the mall needing to do some shopping plus it's been a while since we did this together, having some girls bonding time.

"I don't think you should, you have a sexy delicious guy who's all over you," I told her trying to slap some sense into that brain of hers. We walked around with me ignoring her heated comments about me saying delicious things towards her texting buddy. We went into Beauty Enchant, our favorite store that provides us with everything we need.

Walking in and out of every store, our hands were extremely full with shopping bags. My phone suddenly buzzed in my pockets, struggling to take it with how my hands were full but manage. There were a few messages from my boyfriend who Kath would not meet until further notice. It's been a while since I have seen the guy. I hope he doesn't turn the place upside down, or else I'll suck every inch of blood from his body.

Sitting down on a nearby bench. "Hey, Kath grab us some lunch when you get back!" I shouted at her while she went to use the restroom.

Babe🤤: Why are you avoiding me :(

Me: Not avoiding you just have been extremely busy lately.

Babe🤤: Busy doing? Make sure you're not seeing anyone, I don't like when your attention is not on me plus I miss you can't wait for you to come back.

Me: Don't play dumb, you clearly know what I'm busy with.

Reading the last text, I shove my phone in my pocket not bothering to reply back. He's always like this when I'm not in his sight, possessive. I do miss him a lot but he doesn't have to know that yet, not the type to explode my heart out with heartfelt words.

A few minutes later I saw Kath approaching the table I was at with some hamburgers and two large Pepsi.

Thinking about it for a while. It won't hurt to try, she's a grown woman after all. "I think you should do it tonight," I bite into my hamburger, clearly hungry.

"Took you long enough to agree but you always do so I don't mind," She smirked.

"By the way, I heard from a little birdie that someone was having a little session in the library." I tease causing her to choke on her drink with her face all flustered.

What was that she always told me that she's waiting on prince charming, well he already found you, sweetie. I smile to myself excited for what's about to come next.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh Nothing," I whisper. Feeling someone was watching us from the balcony to the right, turning my head I looked suspiciously at the figure dressed in a full black bodysuit with a mask on then vanished into thin air.

"I thought he died," My blood runs cold looking back at Kath who was not paying attention, my mind eases for a bit. Fuck didn't he died?

Why out of everyone, why him?