(10:35 pm)

"Following a recent attack located at Dunn's River around 5am this morning, the victims were found by the landowners when they both saw bodies floating in the water. Apparently, after an hour of investigation, there was only one speculation that it was a vampire attack. Now a statement was put out by the Ministry of Health Ronald Cane, not to engage or provoke the Vampires living in Royal Woods because we humans will suffer the consequence,"

"Known as bloodsuckers or night hunters all over England It's known for years by the town folks that it even turned into a legend, that the royal families haven't shown their faces to the public for centuries wanting to keep their identities hidden. Finally here's a statement from one of the royal members,"

"Us vampires occur everywhere, but in busy cities or towns, we walk among you folks without being noticed. We lived in peace with humans for many years but this new generation doesn't follow rules. You break into our community, provoke and assault our young people, what did you expect would happen later? Didn't you think we wouldn't act just because we signed a damn treaty? Blood to us is warm, it's like drinking hot chocolate but with screaming. This is your last warning, stay in your lane."

"Stay inside folks, this is when the vampires are loose. This reporter Jones with the nightly news."

Immediately switching off my phone. I let out the intense amount of breath I was holding in when watching the news. The attacks have been going on frequently just a few weeks ago , but now it's like these stubborn people won't follow rules.



"Okay it's your break now, Amanda is gonna take over for you in the meantime," Lisa, one of the few workers who was hired a couple weeks ago told me as she handed over a note with the room number.

Usually when spending my time working here, me being my curious self (curiosity's going to kill me one day) went wandering around the club also discovering a passage that leads underground.

Now ladies and gentlemen, this part of the establishment is for those who want to get wild and loose ( if you know what I mean). It's also a great money grabber for this club.

I've managed to talk Amanda into covering for me in the meantime, although she was reluctant at first because there's a rule stating that employees aren't allowed to hook up with clients.

Closing the door behind me, the blinding lights weren't doing me any justice so I took out my phone and turned on the flashlight to light my way down the stairs so I wouldn't trip and fall in the darkness.

"Okay so the room number is ten," I whisper looking at the note, passing each door it was hard blocking out the moans and all that shit which was echoing down here. My ears perked up as I heard a scream coming from room five that sounded way too familiar for me to just pass. Leaning my ears at the door.....

"Push Harder!"

"Harder Kevin!"

I place my hand on my mouth figuring out who it was. But damn he's acting like a hoe.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up Rory. This is where you run off most of the time, to get dick in your fat ass," I yelled.

He didn't reply back and instead decided to stay quiet. Must have been shocked that someone found out about his rainbow color, damn I'm also mad because he didn't even tell me and we're friends.

Shaking my head I went on my merry way down the hall. Before reaching the room I was swiftly spun around facing whoever it was and was pushed up against the wall real hard.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I yelled in shock from the sudden impact? Slowly realizing who it was then pushed him as hard as I could but he didn't even move an inch.

He slammed both hands above my head looking me dead in the eyes, even my dear soul. His hazel eyes are no longer the color I'm used to but were changed to a much darker color.

"What are you doing down here Kath?" He questioned with a bit of anger.

I just stood there and couldn't even say a word. The aura that was coming off him was so dark I couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"Fucking answer me!" He yelled, causing me to gasp a little. Managing to look him in the eyes, I was shocked. He wasn't showing it but I can tell that he was scared, worried, and lost.

"Can't a grown woman like me enjoy her life? How the hell do you even know I'm down here in the first place?" I hissed, sounding pissed that Vincent thinks he owns me, that I'm his doll he can have all to himself.

I watch as he leans in close. "I have eyes watching your every move. So anytime you're up to no good they report back to me," he whispers against my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. It didn't even help as he trailed kisses down my neck then he stopped.

I narrowed my eyes at him, gripped his collar bringing his lips to mine which he gladly accepted. Our body heat was radiating off each other as the kiss got more heated. Separating from the kiss, Vincent drags me to another room where it got even spicier.


He pushed me against the wall just as the door closed behind us. I can't resist whatever is going on between us every time we touch. I wrapped my arms around his neck so he could lift me up, making me wrap my legs around him with our lips still connected.

Reaching the bed he gently put me down. He ripped off my uniform leaving me in my bra and with lace panties.

"Nice choice of undergarments," He smirked, taking it off as he spread my legs open.

"You ready?" He asked just to make sure. I closed my eyes then simply nodded.

Then it happens, he was eating me the fuck out for breakfast lunch, and dinner. My eyes rolled back as I grabbed the pillow that was nearby then covered my face.

The further his tongue was going the more I'm trying not to moan.

What kind of tongue was this guy born with?

Controlling my breathing, he stops then began to massage my p****y with two fingers.

"That was just a little warm-up exercise," He smirked looking at my expression.

Taking off his pants he took out his dick that had my eyes wide open. Have mercy on my body.

I scream when he gently pushes it in then begins to relax as the pain starts to ease a bit. He was thrusting at me hard and I was losing my mind.

"C-Can't you go a bit slow," I begged cause I can't handle the pleasure I'm feeding. After a while, he continues with having me a moaning mess.


I am so hella tired, I swear on my life I've just run an Olympic race and came in first place. After that heated moment, Vincent didn't want us to stay at the club so he insisted for us to go to his place.

Of course, I was in pain to even lift a finger so he had to carry me out. I didn't even know when we reached when I realized I was not in my own bed and my clothes were an oversize black shirt.

"I know you're a vampire. It wasn't hard figuring it out," I say when I felt the bed sink a bit. Two arms warp around me when turning to face the hazel eyes I'm used to.

"Yet I was sure you couldn't figure it out although I'm not any kind of vampire sweetheart," He whispered, rubbing my arm.

"Then what are you?"

He chuckled. "The Vampire King," He replied as he kissed my forehead. My eyes shot open when it hit me. I was fucking and now gonna be sleeping with the King.