After being scolded by my brother Vincenzo, I was a bit pissed off so I decided to go to the park to get a bit of fresh air. Walking past our head butler James I told him I'm heading out for a bit and would be on time before 12 midnight should strike.

It was 5:55 pm which indicates that I have enough time for myself. Walking past a few guards along the way, I spot a few people up ahead going on with their everyday lifestyle. Decided to slow down my walking for a moment, wanting to stay behind at the back admiring the little family in front of me.

The mother and father were holding the little girl by her hands swinging her up and down causing her to giggle.

Watching them I felt jealous while the smile on my face slowly fades. I didn't have that type of bonding time with any of my parents. I'm the youngest of the Knight siblings so at that time my mom was getting very sickly, she didn't have the energy to do the little things I've dreamt of doing with her.

I would remember the times when I was at one of those talent shows, I was feeling so damn lonely watching the kids with their moms.

At that time kids my age didn't really know who I was because I kept my identity hidden in school and other places. I never got to experience what it felt like having real genuine friends, mostly because of how open minded I tend to be.

They can't handle how honest my mouth is, hearing the truth really hurts for some people. I don't sugar coat my words, I am not Willy Wonka.

I was always alone, even around my own family I felt trapped in darkness not being able to run and catch the falling light. Although most vamps tend to talk behind my back all the time, I just sat there wondering like damn "I got myself some crazy fan club."

My father on the other hand..... well that's a story I don't want to even open but if I could describe our relationship it would be pure torture behind closed doors.

No one in Royal Woods knows what goes on in the royal house. To say that they think we're that perfect family everyone's wish to have but I would say that the smiles we show as we greet our people were full-on fake.

That was a long time ago though. Things have changed but still, I'm stuck in my own fantasy here. I want to get closer to my brothers they're my family after-all but those guys' personalities aren't the same anymore.

"Oh! Miss Knight, what brings you out here at these hours of the day?" The lady turns to realize it was me behind them. I'm not the outside type of person so I don't blame her for being a surprise.

"I'm just walking around for fresh air that's all," I smiled looking down at the little girl. She is so cute just like a doll with big baby blue eyes and her hair was in two pigtails with a red ribbon on the end matching with her red dress and black shoes.

"Hi, what's your name?" I steep down to her height.

"It's Alice," She giggled, swinging her leg back and forth.

"We heard that the queen got sick. Is she okay?" The mom asked me with concern.

I've got up brushing my hair behind my ear. "She's fine, don't worry. She's just resting," I told them.

"Oh thank the heavens. Wouldn't want anything to happen to her again," The girl's father spoke with relief.

After saying my goodbyes to the family, I continue on my walk to the park. Arriving there I sat on the bench stretching a little as I observed my surroundings.

~40 minutes later~

"Hey! I was calling you."

"I know but I decided not to answer," I answered Vance while I bit into this hamburger humans adore so much.

Rolling his eyes he grabbed me by the arm pulling me up. "What the fucking hell Vance can't I have some alone time," I snapped

"Let me think about that." He paused. "Nope, it's Katherine, she got back her memories well, kind of."

Shock to the point I've dropped my burger not believing what he's saying, I sprint to the house to see for myself.

"I thought you said you want some alone time." I heard Vance's laughter fading as I reached the house.



It truly was a blessing in disguise. Looking at my mate as she embraces the staff of the household in a warm hug. They were happy I should say, happy that she's back. Her memories aren't fully back yet but she still remembers who everyone is and half of her past life.

"Okay, I know it's been a long time but I'm glad to be back not only in one piece but my mind is kind of foggy at the moment," I heard her speak with a little laughter as the cheers got louder.

Leaning on the door frame with my arms folded I was pleased. Watching them having fun the door busted open showing my sister Val who was beyond surprise. She slowly walked to the center of the ballroom we were in and then stopped.

"Does she... does she finally remember." She asked, looking my way, her voice cracking as she tried to conceal the tears from falling.

I looked at everyone then nodded "Not fully though."

"Valentina," Kath spoke in her commanding tone with her arms wide open. Chuckling my lil sis didn't hesitate to give in. She missed having a sister figure around, honestly I don't like her.

"She missed this," I glance seeing it was Vance who was admiring what's going on. I smirk, placing my hands on his shoulder.

"We all do."

~10 minutes later (8:55)~

*Knock Knock*

I heard the door being open, "Can we talk, it's important?" I looked up, noticing the tensed expression on his face. Before leaving my office I place the gold key back in the lower drawer of my desk then head out. Walking past the ballroom Kath was still there with the staff talking so it wasn't a big deal to bother her.

"Vincenzo and Val are already at the center of the forest with our guest," Vance explains. It was a far walk away from the house.

"What the hell are they doing so deep in the forest?" I hissed breaking away the branches at every step I took. At the center of the forest, I spotted them standing looking at something or someone in the fog.

"It's nice having you join the reunion Vincent."

I stop in my tracks. My blood runs cold from hearing that familiar voice as my eyes change from hazel to a jet black color. Both Val and Vincenzo fangs were out and so was mine alone with Vance. Looking at him sitting there like the fucking devil he is with his head hung down low.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snapped, really wanting to kill him right here and now.

"Tsk tsk tsk," All of us look at him with disgust. He lifts up his head showing his bloodshot eyes.

"That's no way to treat your father after all this time," His deep voice echoed throughout the forest followed by laughter.

"This fucking bloody bastard. So help me God I want to snap his neck and feed it to the hellhounds," Vance growls beside me.

Once you let motherfuckers like him slide, they start to think they can ice-skate.