4pm in the afternoon.

Now in the dining room all by myself, seated around the table having this intense feeling circulating throughout my body. Inhaling and exhaling.

"Breathe Kath you're too young to be this stressed, I'm even in my late thirties yet. Don't let whatever is going on pressure you." I muttered to myself trying to motivate my self-esteem.

Just when I was about to leave this place in order to stuff my stomach with food because of starvation. The entrance door was open revealing the hosts for the day, watching keenly as they all strolled past me while seated at their rightful seats. Wow I don't if it's only me but damn the atmosphere is starting to have this awkward feeling lingering around.

Glancing towards the right side with one of my hands resting on my thigh and the other upon the table creating a soft tapping sound with my nails. Valentina was seated beside me looking pale as ever as if she's facing a childhood nightmare, she just sat there with both her hands intertwined on her lap.

Taking my time to take a glimpse at the end of the table, was Vincent who has his elbows resting on the table with his hands upright and his chin resting right on his intertwined fingers, keeping his eyes locked on the person that's on the other end of the table..... Vincenzo.

Apparently the only thing I'm putting my focus on is the food which was now present on the table looking heavenly to eat. Around half an hour has passed and no one dares to say a word, not even the butlers who are standing near the table with a tray in hand. The last thing Val said to me was that someone else is supposed to be here, until that person arrives we are going to stay like this for a while.

"Lord, I'm starving," I softly grumbled.

Groaning out loud on purpose, I was gonna say something inappropriate because I'm getting really frustrated but decided against that when someone came walking in dressed in a white long sleeve shirt with a long black leather coat cover over it also matching with the leather pants.

He also seems to have the same height as me (5ft7). He took a seat facing me which allowed my eyes to take notice of his appearance, his features well he's good looking for starters, his jet black hair was dipped unto his right eye kind of making him seem mysterious. What stands out the most apart from this person's attractive looks was his eyes, they're the same hazel color as these Vin and Vincenzo except for Val who only has bright blue eyes.

He has to be their sibling, all of them inherit the same shocking hazel color but from which parent. I'm guessing the hazel is from the dad while the bright blue is from the mom.

Suddenly, I realized he was startled when looking at me, now taking notice I was staring at him the whole time but decided to send me a sweet smile.

"What took you so long? Never can you be on time." Val snorts out loud while she folds her arms, glaring at the guy.

"I was caught up in an unexpected situation," He confessed while glaring back at her. I could just smell the love-hate relationship already.

"Don't even bother to start the bickering." The oldest brother Vincenzo spoke in a commanding tone bringing them to shut up without making a remark. "Now, I came here for two specific reasons. One the dead queen is back once again." He glanced at me then back at Vin.

"And two our father is back from the dead, he's here to finish what he has started but he has allies." He stopped to take a sip of tea then looked at me knowing what the unfinished business was.

"Allies? You're saying that the bastard is still in contact with those people even after what has happened throughout the years." The guy facing me snorted out, not believing what Vincenzo just confirmed.

Removing himself from his seated position Vincent stood with both hands behind his back. "Manipulative people do not understand the concept of boundaries, they're relentless towards their pursuit of what they want. They also have no regard for who gets hurt along the way."

"Meaning for our dear father, he's good with mind manipulation. It's easy to get people on his side no matter the cost." Val admitted

Looking among them every now and then. I knew what was going on but was still confused for the most part but didn't bother saying anything, I mean having to sit in a room with these guys minus Val is imitating to say the least.

"He's the guy that murder you in your past life and also the same person Abbe-gale saw some days ago when she contacted me." Vincent told me then began to continue.

"You see Kath as my mate, you carry a special source of power that no human should possess. Our so-called father is strictly against those things, he believes humans are advancing which can bring danger upon our world." He sighed, sounding stressed out from all this.

"What the hell does he want to start? Some type of war between Humans and Vampires?" I questioned with my eyebrows raised while stuffing my mouth with food when the butler gave me the go-ahead to eat. They should have given me the signal ages ago gosh.

"Exactly," All of them say at the same time in an extremely serious tone.


I am now in the bathroom washing my face, and didn't want to stay any longer listening to the conversations knowing I'm at the center of it all. Looking in the mirror wanting to fix my hair I was startled as I noticed blood coming from my eyes. Quickly washing my face again but was startled once more blood was on both my hands.

"What the fuck!" I shouted wondering if I'm going crazy. Hesitating I rapidly washed my hands and my face like my but the blood won't come off.

"Why? Isn't. This. Blood. Coming. Off," I say with every breath I have. Suddenly I was getting dizzy. I could just vomit my guts on the spot.

"Katherine! What's wrong?" I heard Vincent rushed in here looking scared of what's happening.

"The blood," I replied, showing him my hands. "Baby there's no blood," He says, confused.

Being confused myself, I looked at my hands but didn't see anything, rushing to the mirror I was shocked to see no blood on my face. I just stood there in silence then began laughing like some lunatic while grabbing my hair then looked at Vin.

"It was just a figment of my imagination," I slowly whispered to myself then everything went dark.



Her memories are coming back but not fully. The blood she mentioned earlier was when she was killed, her hands and face were covered with blood, it was not a pretty sight to look at when you were terrified. I brought her to my room for her to rest with my younger brother Vance looking worried.

"If this continues by tomorrow morning she will have back the memories she once lost," Valentina came into the room with Vincenzo by her side.

"And you will have your friend back but don't think her personality will be back, it will remain as it is. Still it's unclear for sure if Katherine's memories will be back fully." My elder brother told us, glancing at my mate for a while then back at me.

"Vance is going to stay here for a while and I don't want you three causing any problem." He pointed at us with a warning in his tone, as usual, he would always be in charge when mother wouldn't be around but that was a long time ago.

"We're not kids anymore, stop treating us as if we can't control ourselves," I rolled my eyes then took a glimpse of our two younger siblings who were bickering again. More stress to worry about.

"I'm still the older one being 34'000 years old if you don't remember. I'm still the protector of you three whether you like it or not, that's the promise I made to myself on mother's death bed." He reminded me while trying not to boil a fuse then left grabbing both the younger ones by the arm.

For a few hours, I was sitting next to the window watching as the Vampires of Royal Woods went roaming around. It was amusing seeing my people, especially the younger ones having the mindset to defend themselves when surrounded by humans. Who only wants to be selfish and have what we possess.

"V-Vincent," I was startled for a bit then looked at Kath who was sitting on the bed looking at me with wide eyes.

"I think, I remember everything now."