She's upset, I know.

She's confused, I know.

She wants answers, I know and she's gonna get them.

Looking at her I didn't say much, only glance at my mate Kaz then back at Jasper who senses what I'm up to. I didn't bother to spare Catherine a glance knowing the hurt in her eyes, but turned on my heels and decided to walk out of the dining room.

"Follow me," I commanded.

I didn't want to reveal everything just like this in the open space throughout the dining room, because of the unique and strong hearing of the staff working here. Although, I'm not saying I don't trust them but someone who's supposed to be dead a long time ago is not, instead that said person wants to finish what had started and I'm not in the right mind for all this drama.

Approaching upstairs, we entered the meeting room which is sound proof and only used for emergency meetings. Once I knew everyone was inside, the door was closed.

"I'm your guardian well your royal guardian to be exact," I began putting my full focus on Katherine, not wasting any more time, rather go all in for this one.

By her expression, this is gonna be a long explanation but knowing her. It would be a long time for her to process all this. "Those dreams you have been getting all this time are visions of your past life and also your memories," I stop once again glancing at her for a slight moment.

"Memories? What kind of memories?" She was confused but became more curious.

Smiling, I sat around the chair with both hands intertwined. I've been wanting to say these words for a very long stressful time. "Memories of your past life as the Queen."

"And my mate," Vincent said, pulling her close to his side, fearing she would leave not wanting to be a part of this but I know her heart wouldn't let her if she wanted to.

"Let's put it this way, you see... you're actually reborn, and I was sent to not only watch over you but make sure you don't cause any problem. Let's just say I have two roles," I continue putting up two fingers to indicate the number two.

"One is being your guardian to guide and protect you while the other is being your friend, someone you can count on." I finished not wanting to say anymore because the one who should inform Katherine about the other stuff is Vin.

We all looked at Kath who was sitting with a shocked face, she put both hands over her face letting out a loud scream then peeked at me through her fingers.

"And I suppose you're doing this to protect me, that explains why you are always late most of the time and always work at night. Is that the reason why you chose to work at the club?" She asked with a light chuckle.

Sighing I glanced at Kaz, who gave me a warm smile then nodded. "Not exactly, I just love working at a club and yes it does explain why I'm always late and only do work during the night. I'm really sorry." I walked towards her with my arms open, that is if my best friend would accept my apology. She pouts, pulling me in for a tight hug.

I was not surprised, instead worried but impressed by how she handles the situation. "You're not telling me everything you know," Kath whispered, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Why are you whispering now when both our guys can literally hear us?"

"Shit, I forgot." She laughs. Always wanting details but I don't blame her.

"I'm not in the position to leave that for your boyfriend/mate," I whisper back, breaking the hug then giving her a warm smile.


Sighing I dropped my tired body on the bed, finally glad that I'm home. It's been so long that I've missed my comfy bed. Having wrapped up our discussion at Vin's house I wasn't in the mood to drive all the way over here so I let Kaz carry me on his back, sprint here in the nick of time.

"You have time for bed but not for me." I heard him whine like a child who's always missing their mother. Peeking from behind the pillow I shot him a glare to not start this right now. I watched him walk over and sat on the bed beside me leaving a kiss on my forehead then left.

Laying there for a while, groaning out loud, I know he's upset so I got up and headed for the garden which is located at the back of our house. It was getting pitch dark, a sign of notice that we must prepare for that day which is upon us.

Arriving at the garden there was no sign of that brat anywhere, only the gardeners and some kids. "Looking for someone," I jumped a little.

"Yes, you... you brat." I punch him on the shoulder then hug him because I'm missing his scent and his annoying personality. Automatically he wraps both arms around my waist.

"I wasn't upset just testing to see if my wife still loves me," He whispered in my ear. Fucking bastard, couldn't do anything else rather than snort. Ok, enough thinking I brought his lips to mine missing it for so long. Engrossed in the kiss my phone went off ringing. Annoyed by who was calling, I took out my phone then pressed answer.


"Tell Vincent I'm coming back home," My eyes widened, catching Kaz's attention on the alert then I hung up when he finished filling me in on the situation.

I looked at Kaz who was waiting on me to fill him in on the situation.

"Vincenzo is coming back."

"But there's a problem."



I was in the woods barefoot walking around wanting to clear my thoughts for a moment. Having to convince Vin not to follow me but he was strictly against that nearly bringing us to engaging in an agreement, but luckily his phone rang which was a sign for me to slip past him.

The thought of being the Queen is not what I was expecting but it explains what was going on with me. I thought I was going crazy.

Didn't know where I was going just exploring nature I guess. Going through the woods each step I took, the more I felt a chilly sensation, the hairs on my body stood up as if I'd just spotted my predator but that wasn't the case.

Near the end of the trail, I was walking on stood a dark figure behind a tree who looked to be dressed in a long coat, the only thing I could see from where I was standing.

My eyes shift to seeing what looks like glowing red eyes, my body wanted to run but my mind was saying not to. It was terrifying looking at dark red eyes in the middle of the dark woods.

"Is the lost rabbit cold?" Although he was far, his voice was clear as daylight. He sounded demanding, if I wasn't in the right state of mind I would think I'm seeing a ghost.

"Are you gonna stay there or are you going to tell me who it is?" I shouted so he could hear me. The sound of his laughter could be heard throughout the woods as if he was mocking me.

"He was right when he told me your attitude hasn't changed," The odd person chuckled then he moved from behind the tree and in seconds was straight up in my face. I gasped a little, surprised at how close we were. His eyes change to those same hazel eyes like Valentina and Vincent, I thought looking straight at them.

"Humans like you should not be out here. It's getting close to hunting time you know," He whispered close to my ear bringing shivers down my spine.

"Hunting time?" I asked but of course, he didn't say anything else but continued to walk on the trail back to the house.

"I'm Vincenzo by the way, the older brother to Vin." He looked back at me smirking after a long time of silence.

To say that shock was an understatement, It wasn't.