During the past weeks a lot of things occurred, the blood drive was surprisingly okay regarding a few matters that took place but other than that no one killed any pesky humans which I'm thankful for. Vance was still outside my office waiting on me to finish up some files I've got from Kaz. It wasn't much information about the outcome of that bastard's plans or where he's hiding but it would have to do for now.

Our father lost every humanity he once had, it didn't approve of us vampires whether he was the King or not. He was just a disgusting excuse of a father and King anyone could hope of killing. He didn't only lie to his own wife and children but lost all loyalty from our people who once admired his royal aura and personality.

I would rather be known in life as an honest sinner, than a lying hypocrite.

Only if that guy I killed wasn't a damn puppet. I would have my way and cut his fucking throat with that silver knife I have locked away.

"You were taking centuries in there," He leaned off the wall and stood up straight.

Rolling my eyes. "What do you need, Vance?" We both walked along the corridor discussing the information he just received from Vincenzo.

"And you're sure about that?" I looked at him with my eyebrow raised. "Positive... never question Vincenzo's mate theory but why would father go all the way to the Black Zone?" He wondered.

Pushing both hands in my pockets I let out a frustrated sigh. "Isn't it obvious Black Zone is north of where we are plus he could easily control the outcast vamps living there," Walking along we heard commotion coming from the main gate. Stopping by the windows we saw Val surrounded by vamps along with a few guards behind her.

She's having fun with the trespasser as usual. "I thought you would stop killing humans," Vance glanced at me from the side.

"Only when they trespass on MY territory. Following orders that were given to them is not hard to do but I think they begin warily of us."

"Where's Katherine? I haven't seen her all day." He changes the subject not wanting me to go all politics on him.

"Where do you expect? She's at Abbe-gale place," I sighed watching the screaming female beg for mercy. I would spare her life if only she didn't punch two of my maids in the face then run off with a valuable item of mine.

I exhale deeply then gesture for Vance to follow me, there is something I want to show him. A promise I made to Mother a long time ago.



"Do you think it would be a good idea, I mean with all that's going on?" I tried to explain to this friend of mine that going to the house we both buy together would be dangerous. Considering my crazy father-in-law wants to kill the living shit out of me.

"You didn't even let me explain the details," She fumed while going through the books in her private library.

I gestured for her to continue. "Valentina and Vance are both strong and have a good sense of when they're being followed, so I think they can tag along with us." Abbey stopped once she found the book she was looking for.

"This is what we are going to look for at the house. There was a reason I wanted to buy it so badly," I looked at the picture in the book. Confused about the purpose of that. It was an ancient drawing of a knife having some Egyptian markings on it or somewhat like symbols.

"Abbey, it's just a knife," I blurted out.

"It's a silver knife, the last one in existence. I have been digging up some things the night I thought I lost you, if I'm right this could kill Vincent's father and bring him back to the underworld where he belongs." She started with disgust trailing in her voice and a glint of hope in her eyes.

Once she puts her mind towards a goal there is nothing you can do to stop her.

Looking at the picture then back at her not believing a knife would do such great damage but it wouldn't hurt to try... I guess.

"Okay, let's do this." I got up hyped for this and a bit worried that those over protective guys would send guards to keep an eye on us.



"You're joking right?" I looked at him in disbelief. I thought it was back at the house locked away.

"You have this all along, But why?" I was not getting why he stored the knife away all this time.

"Let me explain. This knife was given to me by my mother to killed father on that day but--"

I cut him off by lifting my hand up "You couldn't bring yourself to do so right?" I looked at Vin then back at our only chance of ending an upcoming war.

"But now I'm certain to end things. I'm fulfilling that promise," He started looking determined as ever. I couldn't blame him.

Sighing I walked towards him placing both hands on his shoulders. "She's our mom too, you bastard so you mean all of us." I smirked.