"Where are you going?" I was startled by his deep yet calm voice. Picking up my phone and car keys off the bed I turned around facing my mate, husband, and lover. He was casually leaning against the door frame with his hair dripped onto his face while covering only his right eye.

My eyes travel down to his...

"I assume you like what you see?" He cut me out of my thoughts then came over wrapping his arms around my waist. "Of course I do, isn't it obvious?" I whisper against his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck relaxing in his warm embrace.

"It's hard controlling myself when you dress like this," I felt him squeezed my ass causing me to gasp out of surprise. Stepping back a little we looked at each other, I can't describe how much I love this asshole so damn much.

Before I forget I pecked Vincent on the lips before heading out. "You're going out in that? He stops me in my tracks with a slight grip on my hand. I could hear the possessiveness in his tone. "You have a problem?" I asked with a stern glare while folding my arms giving him that look.

He straightened his composure then began clearing his throat. "You look too sexy babe, so of course I have a problem," He sighed, running his hands through his hair.

I looked in the mirror at how I dressed, putting my hands on the ass I turned around facing him. "Well you'll have to deal with it," I blew him a kiss then went out the door ignoring his comment about where I'm going, nosey much.

Moon Night Avenue was where I'm heading, the same place the house was. Valentina was already waiting downstairs along with Abby. The reason Val agreed to come along with us was because of how bored she was plus she needs a little bit of adventure in her life. "Where's Vance?" I asked them.

"Don't know he wasn't in his room nor anywhere around the house. The staff said they didn't even see him this morning," She grumbled.

"Guess it's just us three, let's go before dawn," I told them, throwing the car keys over to Abby.


"How long before we get there? My ass is starting to itch."

"You're the only one here who is a vampire. You should have used your powers and speed to run there," I told her, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Besides we have another hour, I forgot how far this place was," Abby told us, earning an over dramatic sigh from Val.

"Listen, it has been a very long time since I have had some sister bonding time with you guys. Abby was always by your side when you lost your memory and I have no one, considering that my bros are assholes." I looked at her feeling a sense of pity then looked at Abby who was feeling the same.

"Let's promise when all of this is over we will have a girl's day in Paris for a whole month," I told them to earn a yes which I was pleased with.

All of a sudden the car broke down half an hour ago so we had to travel on foot, looking around was forest more forest and a lot of forests. Along the way were houses that looked like no one had been there for years, the streets were empty to begin with, with no sign of life.

Moon Night Avenue was a creepy place where the wind blew for a while causing some weird sound to occur.

"It feels like we are in Teen Wolf except for the broad daylight," I heard Carly speaking, wandering around the place peeking inside the house. "No one here except for us....weird."

"Where's the house located?" I asked.

"Up ahead it's the biggest house here," Abby told me looking around.

It took us a while but we finally reached the house. It was right in the middle of the area surrounded by lots of trees and a river, looking glorious in its state.

"Are the lights always on"? I asked out of curiosity.

"They turn on automatically when it's close to sunset," Val spoke up. I looked around feeling as if someone's watching us.

"Stand back," Val snaps at us, pushing us back. "Someone's in the house, I can sense their aura."

We both followed her in the house keeping our senses on high alert, the door creaked open for a bit. Inside was spacious and ancient-looking with large photos and paintings. "Let's go, the knife should be in the library."

"What's it doing in the library? It's not somewhere secretive," I wonder.

"There's a secret door protected by a force where only the royal bloodline can go through," Oh... well that's interesting.

Going through the house or should I say mansion, it took a while for us to find the library. I decided to let Abby get the knife. She has more knowledge of how it looks.

It was about 30 mins and no sign of Abby. I was getting worried that something might happen. I was about to go in when I saw her coming out with the knife in a clear container.

"Sorry I took so long. There were a lot of doors to search," She laughs.

"Ok let's go now, I'm getting a weird feeling here," I muttered walking out the door.


"Ladies!" We stopped in the middle of the living room noticing Vance was standing there with a smile on his face.

I was curious about why he was there or maybe he knew we would be here. "You followed us here? That's why Val was getting an off feeling?" I asked him.

"Basically yes but that is not the case, that little knife you have is a fake." He told us

"How would you know?" I tilted my head to the side.

"That's because I have the original, I simply create a copy for precautions." I saw Vincent coming out from nowhere followed by Kaz. What the fuck is going on?

"There's something we need to tell you girls," We looked at Kaz who was leaning against the wall. Again with the secrets, I looked at them pissed and curious about what they wanted to tell us.

"Ok, let's talk."