"There's something we need to tell you girls."

"Again with the secrets."

"How about some tea to lighten the mood," Vance offered while he placed the tea in front of us before the other guys could explain to us what's going on. We are all still at the house seated in the dining room, it's now dark around 7:30 pm to be exact.

"Why is it that I'm always stuck in the dark about certain information someone should have told me about?" I diverted the question towards Vincent who only glanced at me then continued to sip on his tea.

"If it makes you feel any better," I narrowed my eyes at Kaz who began talking. "He didn't intend to keep this a secret from you, it just wasn't the right timing per say." Sighing, I gestured towards the guys to explain to me all about the silver knife and its capabilities.

Vance started off first. "The silver knife or better known by its original name 'el cuchillo de plata' was well known to us vampires many years ago and still today about the power it holds. Yes, it's the last one in existence which is why I created a duplicate out of it and place it here for my reasons." He stopped allowing Vin to continue.

"Our mother's ancestors was the holder for it, for many generations then she passed it down to Vincenzo the oldest, who then passed it down to me 20,000 years after he was on his last day of retirement from his King duties but for some unknown reasons when we figured out we were mates the same day you were killed, the power within the knife was growing every time it felt your aura." He stops to take another sip of tea while I lean back in the chair trying to understand everything.

Not long ago I was told I have some power in me no human should possess. What if the key to stopping the war between humans and vampires is The Queen of Vampires which

"Father is powerful but you know vampires like him liked to be the controlling one, the one in charge. We were young at the time but fully understood and took notice that our people were afraid of him even our mother but she didn't show it, she remained a strong-willed woman throughout her years."

"He was becoming a beast, thirsty for blood. That's when I realized he was planning this from the start. He knew that you would become a pest in his plans because the knife takes a liken to you and not him. After all, it can sense when someone is not worthy of its power so instead our father was rejected multiple times."

"Wait, you said he was planning this from the start. How do you know that?" I question now it was Vance's turn to answer again.

"Father has this habit of writing down what he's going to do shortly. Before mom died she gave each of us except Valentina a black book but I couldn't understand mine because the writing was in Greek so I kind of threw the book away in which Vincent found it and started to put pieces of the puzzle together." He finished explaining his part.

"Someone from the puzzle is missing," Abby spoke out lost in thought as if she was trying to connect the dots. "Where is the book your mom gave to Vincenzo?" She asked, looking towards Vin. Wow she's catching on surprisingly quickly.

"Hmm, it's with him back in Russia but it's blank when he shows it to me."

"Well maybe it's not. It may look blank but if you pure water or some sort of liquid, writings may appear," She said looking pleased with her response.

My mind was full of thoughts right now. Their mom was clever, the way she knew what was going to go down but instead, she stole and secretly gave each book to her sons on her deathbed in hopes they figured it out. My guess is why they have to take a very long time to do so.

"When we get back home contact Vincenzo and tell him to get here by tomorrow at the latest with the book. We have to be two-step ahead of that monster," Val sighed, refilling her cup with more tea.

"You know although your father has this hatred towards humans, he was willing to work with two of them both you ladies seem to know," Kaz pointed at me and Abby.

"To be fully ahead of the previous king we have to kidnap and go back to our old ways of handling unruly humans," Kaz smirked, having this mischievous look in his eyes along with Vin.

"So who do you think the humans might be?" I asked but for some reason deep down I don't even want to know...honestly.

"Your old friends that he manipulates in doing his dirty bids for... Bruce and Russel." What a fucking surprise my old buddy Bruce who I can't stand and Abby's psycho father who I also can't stand.

What are the odds?

Karma is a bitch.

A bitch that I'm starting to fully respect.