It has been less than an hour since Vincent arrived here with Valentina. Instead of staying in the cell room, she insisted that we left her alone with them. At first, I was confused on why Val wanted us to just leave, the realization hit me when I noticed a devious look she was showing.

I was constantly pacing around the place wondering what she's doing there.

"Would you just relax?" Vincent said casually leaning against the cold brick wall while picking at his nails.

Val may seem small in size but she doesn't have any problem ripping humans apart if they get in her way. Which is pretty scary, I'm still having nightmares.

"We can't get them to talk no matter how harsh we torture them or how much blood we sucked out, they wouldn't say a word." I said.

Finally relaxing I steep down swinging the whip from side to side wondering what games James ( Vincent Father) is playing.

Then it hit me as I lifted up my head to meet Vincent's gaze.

"You finally figured it out. Took you long enough." I chuckled at his statement. I wasn't looking at the situation on both sides, their father is very fond of the game chess and we are basically playing it from the start. He is the former king after-all with his soldiers and Vincent is the current king with his soldiers which is us....

His siblings, me his royal commander, my mate his royal assistant, and the queen (Katherine) who is well guarded.

The only way to win the upcoming war is by guarding the queen and destroying his father. But we don't know what he has in store for the war because his loyal servants wouldn't talk.

"So if we get them to talk but although we already possess the source of power and guidance from the connected books. We still don't know what his main point was. But if Val succeeds we can strategize our plan, murder his army of outcast vamps, destroy him for good then it's checkmate." I voiced my thoughts.

It may look as simple as it seems but, in reality, you have to be wise in this situation in order to be the last man standing.

"What's better than letting the expert herself handle this. End this shit and call checkmate." Vincent muttered lowly while picking a few loose strings from his shirt.

A few mins later the metal door creaked open, shifting my gaze towards it only to be taken aback by the strong smell of blood. Sharing a few odd looks with Vin we then walked in trying to control our senses of smell as it became hard with the blood invading us.

"Fucking hell!" The sight in front of us was amusing but terrifying.

"I kind of overdo it but no biggie, they were a hard bunch but with a few this and that, they were free to talk". She smiled, licking the blood off her hands then wiping it with a cloth that was nearby.

They were shaking, mouths trembling, they even had deep cuts and bite marks all over their skin. "You're terrifying, remain me not to get on your bad side." I joked walking over to the cell. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel a sense of pity for these guys.

"P-P-Please we'll tell you what you won't just get that m-monster away from me." Russel trembled with fear. Honestly, I thought he would at least put up a fight and guess he can only display his strength when hurting his wife.

"Hurry and tell us before you die so we can dispose of you back to your master as the dogs you are," Vin sighs, getting impatient.

Finally, after a couple of minutes, the guards came to collect the bodies. Vin told them to just leave the dead bodies at the entrance of the forest where 'Black Zone' is as a warning to his father that we're not playing games.

The reason they died was from the constant biting they got in which their body couldn't take it. Vampires bites can be a blessing and a curse.


"How was it?" We walked in the meeting room to see Vance reading a book with his earphones connected to his phone, Katherine lost in thought and my mate sitting around the desk writing up some reports.

"Take a wild guess." Vin spoke as he walked over to sit next to Kath startling her for a bit. "By the smell of blood you three either bite them or let Val have her way."

Abbey's questioned with curiosity, she doesn't even have the time to leave her focused on the reports.

"Well yes and yes." I shrug remembering the sight I saw back in the cell.

It didn't take long for us to discuss what they told us, it wasn't much but some parts were useful.

"Until the next red moon--that's a week from now," Vance, who was now engaged in the conversation, whined. "What's this red moon you're talking about?" Kath, who was confused, asked.

Sometimes I forget we didn't tell her enough information before the incident.

"Let's put it this way, it's when the sky turns blood red and vampires from all over have an increased boost of their strength/power." Abbey explained in the simplest way so she could understand.

The rest of the day was spent with everyone busy and restless.



"Something is bothering you--tell me". I sat on the bed with a worried look.

"What makes you say that".

"You hardly spoke today when we were discussing things like you're having a battle with your thoughts". I told her to move closer as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I watch as she sighed relaxing in my embrace.

"I huh--I want you to turn me". She shifted her body around looking me in the eyes. I knew at some point she would want this but is her body ready for the process of it.

I watch while her eyes search my face for an answer. "I'm ready, Jas. I want this".

"I don't want this--can't lose you again. You know what happened to the other guys don't you?". I asked playing with her hair to avoid her contact.

"That's them, I'm mated to you for a reason and this is one of them". I chuckled as she moved to sit on my lap bringing me to give in.

"Your temptation is strong". I whisper, biting on her ear.

"I know- now shut up and fuck me". She ordered me to strip her clothes.