(I'm not afraid to be turned into a vampire. Has long as you have faith in me)

I love him, he's mine and only mine, he belongs to me. We haven't been able to spend any time together because of how busy I am with Queen stuff. And many other things I've going on, not to mention the killing spree Vincent was on with Valentina.

He would come home late at night to cuddle then in the mornings he's gone but Vin never forgets to leave a note with the words "Good Morning My Love"

I want this night to be special not only for having sex but for making love.

My eyes watched as Vin towers over my naked body, taking off his shirt then leans down to lick my lips leaving it moist, then trailed his tongue down towards my neck sucking and biting on the spot he would place the bite.

I flinch for a bit, feeling his hands trail in between my legs rubbing my thigh. He knows my skin can be sensitive to his touch--the bastard is teasing me.

"Why the hell are you rubbing down there?" I moan, feeling his fingers teasing it. "It's better when you're wet than dry," He whispers in that sexy voice of his.

Oh my lord, why did my mind have to forward to the time I played Cardi B WAP in my car by mistake.

Wanting his lips on mine I pulled his head towards me smashing our lips together. The kiss was fast paced then went at a slow pace, the kind I love. It was sweet, tasty, a craving I really can't let go of.

Our tongues was battling for dominance, the last time we had sex he won but this time I won taking the lead.

He pulled back unbuckling his belt while staring at me with that amused look of his. "D-Don't overdo it like you did the last time." I was breathless, breathing like a dog gasping for air.

"That time you were tight. I'm sure the juniors here are gonna slip in real nice," That husky voice of his was turning me on and he even doesn't know it.

I spread my legs shifting my body on the bed waiting for him to put it in it. I realize he didn't use condoms--is he planning on getting me pregnant during an upcoming war. I was gonna protest when I felt it slip in me, I gasp gripping the sheets moaning at the fast pace he was going. Luckily I wasn't tight like before. I bring my arms and wrap them around Vin neck moving my hips to match the pace of his movement.

We kissed once more then it happened. I covered my mouth trying not to scream as I felt his fangs sink into my neck. It was so fucking painful tears were forming in my eyes. I bit my lip while I grip my hold on Jasper as if my life depends on it.

"Shh, I know." Vin said once he was done then licked the mark.

The pleasure and the heat radiating off my body were driving me insane. " V-V." Shit, I can't form words.

"I-I'm g-gonna," I didn't finish when we both filled each other leaving my body twitching on the bed. My eyes widen as he bends his head down. "Are you s-serious right n-now?" I hissed.

"I missed dinner," He smirked, eating me dry.

Hours went by and we have done it three times in one night. "I'm not fucking kissing you with that mouth". I snorted as he was going in for a kiss. He laughs running his hands through my hair knowing I was exhausted.

The pain in my neck was still there but I was tired so I couldn't bother getting up to take a shower plus the water was cold.

"Come here," Vin wrapped us in the sheets kissing the bite mark. I flinch a little then go straight to sleep.

"I love you". He whispers gripping my waist. I smiled, cuddling closer in his embrace.



"No please don't," I whine pulling the sheets over my naked body feeling the warmth once again. It was 8:30 am but still, I didn't want to leave my bed.

I could hear Vin chuckle before pulling me off the bed, throwing me over his shoulders, slapping my ass as he headed for the bathroom. I sighed, feeling defeated by his actions but whined at the back and neck pain I'm feeling.

He gently placed me in the bath that was ready for me. Confused about why he wasn't joining me I looked up to see that he was already dressed.

"Abbey's mom is in town so we are gonna pay her a visit," He kissed my cheeks.

"I'm going to bring you breakfast, painkillers and a glass of water is already on the side table." He informed me then left.

I relax in the bath hoping my body can handle the bite. I sighed cursing at Jas for going all out but the sweet hugs and kisses after were good.

I blush at the thought.

Walking out of the bathroom I saw Jas sitting on the chair focusing on his phone.

Breakfast was on a tray with a glass of orange juice. Getting dressed I put on something comfy like a cute grey oversized sweater with jeans then decided to let my hair down.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. Of course, he was in his usual black suit, and his hair was neatly styled. Finishing with my outfit I turn around and kiss him on the lips.

"Up for another?" He pulled me closed.

"Fuck you," I groan then giggle like a silly girl.

"You're getting bold," He said handing over the painkillers. Once we were done I grabbed my purse, my phone and held his hands.

"Let's go!"

If it wasn't for the things happening around us, today would seem like a normal day. Instead I know the visit is for business.