I can't believe three fucking weeks has already pass.

Three damn miserable weeks full of hunting, organizing plans, training, making sure my people were doing ok through the fast changes, while setting up traps all over the woods and most of all watching over Katherine who was lying in bed.

During that time when my fangs went into her skin, the bite started to take an effect on her body until her skin was so pale I thought she was gonna die.

It literally pains me to see her in that state but I know deep down she's a fighter to the very end. Usually it would take roughly a whole day for the bite to get used to the body first for the blood to circulate more faster than any normal human blood but for Katherine it took around three days.

The other vamps were worried for their Queen but as King, I reassured them everything would be fine and that they just needed to have hope that things would work out.

I even surprised myself with the word "hope" living for so many years, hope wasn't on my side since I've lost everything I loved, mostly the one who was always supportive of me.

My mother, she will always live on in my memories. Now since everything is changing I'm slowly appreciating the word hope.

Moving on from all the mushy stuff, my siblings along with Kaz and Abbey would check up on Kath from time to time then would update me on her condition when I'm not there.

I remember holding her cold hands telling her about the things I want us to see and explore together. It was odd for me to just talk to someone who is in a coma but it was better than getting my nerves worked up.

I held her hands tightly reluctant to let go while resting my head on the side of the bed asking my dear mother to guide my love back to me.

I need her with me, without her I'm just a cold heartless guy with no meaning in life. If it wasn't for a mate me as King is simply a walk in the park but now.... it's different.

Lost in thought I suddenly felt a warm hand through my messy hair, swiftly rising my head. My gaze fell on a smiling beauty, her skin was full of life again. Just the way I like it. "I told you I can handle it." Her words warms my dead cold heart, I place my hands on her cheek.

"You scared me to death." I said kissing my love on her forehead.

"I was talking with your mom, she told me to tell you sorry for keeping me for so long." She chuckled while my eyes widened, then I shook my head with amusement on my face.

She told me while she was in a coma, she saw that mother was standing near the beach dressed in a gold dress and her long black hair was flowing through the breeze while in her hands was a photo frame of me, my older brother Vincenzo, Vance and Val when we were kids.

After what Kath told me I kissed her on the lips before handing her some fresh clean clothes and food provided by our chef.

Soon after all that, I went out to announce that she was now awake and in good health. Then I went to the garden, mother would always be there when she wanted to clear her head from the world.

"I guess my mother's dream of seeing the beach has finally come through." I muttered gazing upon the now overcast sky, feeling a familiar motherly aura around me.



"Vincent," I glanced towards Kaz who was handing me my sword.

"Lost in thought?" He asked. I nod, taking the sword in hand. We walked out of my office to the front area where everyone was waiting for us.

"Is my brother here yet?" I asked.

"Of course he's here along with his mate they just made it here in the nick of time." He informed me by pushing the doors that's connected to the hallway open.

"Vance is making sure the rest of the people are somewhere safe, the ones who are not equipped for battle. Your sister Val is out at the front ready to get her hands bloody as usual while ours mates are with the elites." He finished as we walked out, sensing our presence everyone parted ways for us to walk through.

They were cries of young kids who were confused by the situation as the rest of civilians rushed out to a much safer zone. Standing behind me were around one hundred well train vampires who served me for many years.

I glance at Katherine who has this aura around her that screams she's taking down my father once and for all. She smiles at me with a nod stating that she's ready.

Vincenzo was beside his mate, she was the fierce type when engaging in a battle. Her tall red hair ties neatly in a bun while she calmly wipes her blade.

"Before I say anything let's wait for Vance." I spoke, my voice echoing.


"Now like everyone is present, I want you to know this is an life and death all out war but I want each and everyone of you to come back in one piece if possible because if we don't end this fucking war it will end us itself!" I shout giving them one final speech until the moon turns fully red.

They all respond with shouts of due respect. "You're getting better at this," Vincenzo patted me on the shoulder, sending me a proud smile.

"Now let's see how father has been doing all these years." He smirks. I nod, getting a bit too excited for our second reunion with our father.

A sudden stroke of thunder was heard causing the sky to roar in anger, the winds began to increase rapidly. The clouds were slowly clearing away from the sky and the moon was now bloodshot red.

Crows scatter throughout the trees creating annoying noises. A spark was felt in my body as my fangs were now out and ready to bite some heads off. Everyone behind me felt the power of the red moon.

I crack my knuckles sensing 'him' immediately.

"SCATTER." I said in my low tone, in seconds everyone sprint off in the blink of an eye. I don't need to worry about Kath as long as Abbey is with her.

"Let's make this as a competition Kaz." I smirk at my childhood friend seeing it has been a long time since we have a competition among ourselves.

He laughs and swings out his sword. "Whoever kills the most bodies gets a reward." I pull out my sword.

"Let's go!" He said as we sprint towards the forest.

The War As Now Began.