Despite my previous experience with driving with others, driving with Alex wasn't that bad. He was nice, and always asked me if I was ok with something. Like, putting the radio on, or putting the back down (his rich-ass family had gotten him a convertible, but at least he's responsible with it). To both of these, I said that I didn't care, and he took this as a green light. When he turned the radio on, I thought that it was going to be heavy metal or rock, or worse: classical. But instead, one of my personal favorites came on. All of me, by John Legend. So what if I like American pop? Anyway, I almost started singing but stopped myself. No one had heard my singing voice, because the first time I sang, it was to myself, and I ended up falling asleep at 3:15 in the afternoon. I couldn't have Alex falling asleep while he was driving. But he told me that it was ok if I wanted to. I told him that the last time I sang, I put myself to sleep at a time where I had a bit of energy. He laughed, and asked me, "So, what, you're a siren?"
"Do you want to get into a car accident because you heard it first hand?"
"That's what I thought. Also, I'm not a siren. Sirens are beautiful women who lure sailors to their deaths with their songs."
"That's unnatural."
"Yea. They're also non-existent. They only live in mythology. Greek mythology to be specific."
"You like Greek mythology?"
"It's alright. Zeus kind of ruins it, though. With all of his children."
"How many are there?"
"Pfft. Too many. No one knows for sure."
At that point, we had reached my house. It was on a dirt road that one in a hundred people spotted. Alex just so happened to be one of those lucky ones.
After I got out, I said thank you and asked him if he'd like to come in. He said that he needed to get back, but he also gave me his phone number, so that I could call him if I got worse. I said thank you and went inside.
When I got to the kitchen, my parents were talking quietly. Let's just say that I had never heard them be this quiet. Although, they went totally silent when they heard the door slam. I always do that. "Hi, Mom" I called. "Hi, Dad."
"Sweetheart!" My mom called. "How was the party?"
"Fine, until Kate pushed me into the pool."
"What?! She should've known better, or at least asked!"
"Look, we all know that if she did, Marie wouldn't have gotten in" my dad chided.
"Exactly," I said.
"How did you get out if you don't know how to swim?"
"One of the lifeguards got me out. A senior by the name of Alex. Alex Gaines."
"Wasn't he the captain of the swim team? The one you managed?" my dad asked.
"Yea, he was. Anyways, I'm kind of tired, so I'm gonna grab something to eat, and then go to bed early."
"Honey, it's only 5:30."
"I will be asleep in an hour and nothing can stop me!"
"I wouldn't be too sure.."
I decided not to take my mom's last comment so seriously. So, I heated some of the mac and cheese from last night and went to flop down on my bed. There was one problem with that plan: by the time I got into my room, there was someone else on my bed. And it wasn't either of my parents.
"Hello dear," she said. Her voice sounded old and young, at the same time. Like she had seen a lot of things at a young age. Too young if you ask me. She couldn't be older than 35, and yet it was like she had devoted herself to finding the answers to the world's greatest mysteries.
"Hi," I said back, obviously done with today.
"I know you have a lot of questions-"
"Just two for now: who are you, and how did you get into my room?" My door had a special skill: it only opened for me. This came in very handy when I was upset with someone. If anyone tried to get in without my permission, they got burned. So, how did she get in here? And how long has she been in here?
"I just came a few minutes ago," she said. How did she know what my question was? It was like she could read my mind. I did not want that from someone I was clearly liking less and less.
"I'll explain everything on the way," she said. "Pack your things. I'm going to give my regards to your guardians."
"Parents" I corrected, as she pushed past me. "And, I'm not going anywhere with you. No way." She sighed, snapped her fingers, and as I blinked, she was suddenly right behind me. How had that happened?
With a look that could kill, she stared at my window, which burst into a million pieces, but then reformed outside of the house. So that answered one question. But it still didn't answer my biggest question: who was she, and what did she want with me?
With a wave of her right arm, she packed my things. Then she grabbed my waist and started to fly away! We kept below the tree line, to avoid anyone seeing us, but that didn't stop me from trying to get loose. As we flew along, I screamed, "Put. Me. DOWN!!" As I said the last word, a rush of memories filled me. Every time that I had something to tell my parents, or Kate, and they pushed me away. Every time that they refused to listen. And every night that I refused to let the tears fall.