As if things couldn't get worse, we crashed.
After my weird vision of every memory that caused me pain, I felt us fly towards the ground. When we were about 50 meters from the ground, I could feel the teacher strain to give us a softer landing. Just not as softly as I'd hoped. I crashed through three or so trees before landing on my back, in the middle of the woods behind my house.
All the air was suddenly pulled from my lungs as if someone had dropped a large rock on my chest. But out of the top of my vision, I saw my kidnapper glide slowly to the ground. 'She's got a lot of explaining to do before anything else happens', I thought. I wanted to know who she was, and how she thought that she could just take me away from everything I knew.
"You know", she started to say. "We could've been to the safe house by now if you hadn't interfered. All your questions will be answered there."
"I. Don't. Care.", I said through gritted teeth. "What makes you think that you can just come into my house, and take me away from everything I knew?! For god's sake, I still have a year of high school left!!" I could hear the winds rising as if they were reacting to my anger, but I didn't stop. "I had a life back there."
"Not a happy one."
"And you think that this is going to change that?"
"Well, I got news for you: you won't be able to change my view on this, or anything until you tell me two things. Who you are, and what you want."
She sighed as if she hoped it wouldn't come to this. "I am a close friend of your guardians-"
"Parents," I said. "They are my parents." Why was that so hard for her to get?
"Whatever. And as for what I want, I cannot tell you that here. Once we reach a safe place, then I will answer every question you have. But you are going to have to trust me first."
Like that was ever going to happen. This woman had taken me from the only life I ever knew, pretty much told me that I wouldn't be coming back, and just expected me to go along with it? Like hell, I will. "I want to go back. I was safe there."
"Your powers have been growing. Haven't you noticed?"
"How do you know about that?"
"You can see into the subconscious mind of others. Some might call it their soul."
"The eyes are the windows to the soul."
"Yes. But it is a dangerous ability, if not honed properly. I am taking you to a place where you can learn to control your ability, and use it for good, whatever that may be."
"Why didn't you just tell me this? It would've made things a lot easier."
"Maybe. But would you have believed me?"
Her question stopped me. Would I have? If I'm being honest with myself, which I haven't done in years, the answer is most likely no. I wouldn't have. I would have assumed that she was a hallucination, conjured up by my lack of sleep. But her grip was very real, and it was that that brought me back to reality.
"We need to go. I didn't want to tell you this out here, because now they know."
I really didn't want to find out who 'they' were, so I decided that she may have my best interests at heart.
"Fine," I said. "Take me to the safe house."