Part 5

As much as I hated to admit it, the ride was exhilarating. Once she got a rhythm going, we were going at least as fast as the speed of sound. We reached the safe house in a couple of minutes. I didn't hear anything that sounded like it would permanently render me deaf, so I concluded that we weren't going as fast as I initially thought. Still, it took a couple of minutes to get used to the feel of the ground beneath my feet again. After I was able to walk without tripping over my own two feet, I took a long look at the safe house.

First impression: it looked like a cabin. But it has this air of, "if you don't belong here, you will die." Thank God I was brought here. But as I got closer to the house, I noticed something strange. The cabin was black. A lot of cabins like this were a dark brown, but not this one. Although, it was a good choice. If you didn't already know where it was, you probably run right past it. Also, I could've sworn I was dehydrated, but the cabin seemed to be growing.

"It is." I jumped. I had forgotten that she was behind me. Damn. That woman could be quiet as hell when she wanted to be. "It's adding an extra room for you so that you don't have to share." How thoughtful of it.

Before long, we had reached the front door. It looked like a normal cabin door, so I went to knock, but at the last second, I sensed that there might be more to this door than what was visible, just like the rest of the cabin. As I drew my hand away, my companion put her hand on the door, just above the exact middle. After a few seconds, bright lines appeared in the door, as if cutting through the door. Then the door retracted from the middle to the edges. I wanted to know what had happened, but I decided to wait until we weren't in a rush to get inside.

As I stepped through, the door reformed. I almost panicked, because I hate being confined in unknown places. But I knew that I needed to put on a brave face, even if I wasn't feeling brave. So I forced myself to look at the inside of the cabin.

It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It was cozy, and serious at the same time. Quite a few people were milling around, who all looked to be about my age. 'Great,' I thought. 'More people who I can scare the living daylights out of.'

"Good luck with that," my companion said. "All of these kids have powers. They know your experience. They know how it feels to have to keep the most dangerous thing about you hidden. You are not alone anymore." And with that, she started walking towards an older woman, who looked to be taking a nap in a woven rocking chair. "Grandmother," she said. "This is Marie, the girl you sent me to get." At first, I thought that 'Grandmother' hadn't heard a word, but suddenly I was three inches from her face. She studied my face for a long, 10 seconds, but I had dropped my gaze long before that was over.

"Need work. Not strong. You teach?" she asked in broken English, directed at the woman who brought me here.

"Yes, I can teach her."

"Good. Now, nap." And with that, she was fast asleep on the chair again. I let out a huge breath that I'd been holding in. That woman was terrifying!

When I looked up, I saw that everyone was staring at me. 'Well, isn't this new?' I thought sarcastically. "I saw the cabin expanding to accommodate me. If no one knows where my room is, then I will search for it by myself. And then none of you will be able to claim innocence since I have told everyone where I am going." And with that, I grabbed my suitcase, which was by the chair, and started for the stairs. I was halfway up, when a voice said, "I'll show you. I mean, I already helped you once today." I couldn't- no wouldn't believe it. Alex Gaines. With powers. I looked up, and we locked eyes for a good ten seconds. If there was any doubt before, it was instantly gone. I would be in his dreams tonight.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep the note of surprise out of my voice.

"Well, I have abilities. Duh. Why else would I be here?"

He may have been telling the truth, but I wasn't going to give the satisfaction of knowing that. "Ok. And what are they?"

"I've been able to sense when someone is lying, and what someone is truly feeling in a certain moment."

"And this has been going on for how long now?"

"About five months. But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"What is your ability?"

I hesitated. I didn't want kids I just met to be scared of me. Then again, I had kind of pushed them away before Alex spoke up. So I looked him in the eyes, and told him, "I can see into people's dreams."