The silence was deafening, and I thought I'd die from embarrassment. Alex looked the same way. "Can people see you?" he asked, clearly nervous.
I shrugged. "Not that I know of. But it might be possible," I said, as I was pushing past him. After a few seconds, he caught up, and asked the dreaded question, "Whose dream will you be in tonight?"
"Not here," I whispered. "They can't know. It's bad enough that they know that we know each other. I can't give them anything that will make them think that there's anything between us." By now, we had reached a door that led to a room that seemed to jut out of the cabin. My room. As I opened it, Alex asked, "Why would they think that?"
"Because," I sighed through gritted teeth, "I'm going to be in your dreams. Hope it's nothing you'll regret me seeing." I think that the look of horror on Alex's face was worth it. I've never seen anyone look more scared than right now.
"Wait, how do you know that you'll be in my dreams tonight instead of someone else's?"
"Because we held eye contact for more than five seconds."
"It was pretty long. But will you be in my dreams tomorrow as well?"
"As of right now, no. I have to hold eye contact with someone daily. What happened the previous day doesn't carry over. Also, normally I can control how hidden I am, to ensure that they don't see me, but if it's someone new, I have very little control the first time. I can change topics in the dreams, but I can't change the nitty-gritty details. Also, I've never been in the dreams of someone who has abilities."
"No. I'm not lying."
"But you just thought of people who could do crazy things in their dreams!"
Ok, that was freaky. But, with everything else in life, I pushed it aside. "That's called imagination. Some people have really creative minds. Unlike you, apparently."
I could tell that that hit a nerve. So I decided to push it in just one step further and gave him an evil smirk as I closed the door. I waited until I heard him walk away, then set my room up. Once everything was just the way I liked it, I decided to explore my room. It was a large space, with a bed on one wall, and a desk on the wall opposite the bed. There was also a closet on the same wall. But on a closer look, I saw that it had a fake wall. There was a door in the back of the wall, but the way it was attached made it look like it wasn't there.
Once I got it opened, I saw that it was a smaller space that I could to when I didn't want to be found. This was perfect. I closed the door and sat down to reflect on everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. The number of things that had happened today was too overwhelming, and I ended up crying for the next 20 minutes. Why was I crying? I'm 17, I should be able to hold this in. But I don't know why. But what hurt more was not the fact that I was crying, but the realization that my tears were hot, just like the night that I vowed to never be an inconvenience to anyone ever again.