
POV: Akaashi

I was walking home, hearing someone yelling behind me, turning my head I saw Bokuto waving his arm in the air. "Akaashi!". Bokuto yelled while sliding his arm around my shoulder. I smiled. I was used to my boyfriend doing this. Bokuto was the very sweet and an outgoing boyfriend. "Cupcake your rather quiet what are you thinking?" I snapped back into reality and looked down. "Nothing just focused." Bokuto frowned "So your not excited that I get to sleepover at your house the whole week?" Bokuto looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "No I am I'm just" Bokuto looked at me like a confused owl. I laughed at the sight of this. Bokuto looked at me like he wanted to say something. "Do you want to say something or are you just staring at me again?" Bokuto smiled "Can we make Cupcakes when we get home?" I looked shocked I wasn't expecting something like that. "Can we?" Bokuto said looking excited. "Sure" I said smiling "YAY!" Bokuto said opening the front door of my house. "Were home!" I yelled Guess they aren't home I thought to myself. Not realizing that Bokuto had already put our stuff down and ran into the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and quickly pulled up a recipe on my phone and showed Bokuto. I went to go get the cupcake pan and mixer while Bokuto started baking. Nobody really knew this but Bokuto was actually quite good at baking.

~Time skip brought to you by Bokuto's cake~

I pulled the cupcakes out of the baking pan and Bokuto went to go get an exsecive amount of sprinkles. I got the frosting in the piping bag and put the tip on. I didn't really know how to Ice cupcakes,But Bokuto did. Bokuto put his hands over mine "Here" Bokuto said in a sweet low voice. I blushed. He knew how much I liked it when he wasn't loud and spoke in a low voice. We finished icing the cupcakes with a light blue frosting. Bokuto looked at me and smiled holding 4 containers of sprinkles in his hands. "C'mon let's see what cool things we can do with the cupcakes!" Bokuto said with a bright smile on his face I laughed and put some Frosting on my finger and put it on his nose. Bokuto looked at me and attempted to lick it off of his nose. For some reason this just made me laugh so hard. Bokuto got some Frosting and did the same. We made eye contact for a second tell he leaned in and kissed me. The kiss lasted for about a minute before I pulled away. I was flustered as most people are with their first kiss. I tried to hide my face but Bokuto just hugged me tight making it hard to resistance his cuteness. I hugged back as he squeezed the air out of me before I had to pull away just to breath. "Oops are you ok?" Bokuto said looking concerned. "Yeah I'm ok I'm just not used to that tight of hugs." I looked away from Bokuto still trying to hide my intensifying red face. "Well your gonna get used to it as long as I'm your Boyfriend Cupcake!" Bokuto said with a bright smile. I smiled back at him. We put the sprinkles on and took a picture for Bokuto to send to his friends. "Hey Akaashi." Bokuto said picking up a cupcake and taking of the liner. I looked up to look at him "Yes?" He then proceeded to put the cupcake on my face. Bokuto began to laugh not expecting me to do the same thing. We both started laughing no even realizing my mom was standing right there and took a picture. She then left the room going to show my dad trying to hold in her laugh. We both ate a cupcake, then went upstairs to go watch Netflix and each of us eating one of those containers of frosting with the sprinkles on the top hoping to not get sick. Bokuto finished his first with no problems and came up behind me to cuddle. He scared me at first I didn't expect anything to wrap around me while I was watching Netflix. But as soon as I turned to see Bokuto he kissed me. I put down the frosting and turned twords him attempting to not break the kiss doing so. After 30 seconds of me turning twords him we broke away from the kiss to breath. He continued to kiss me while I sat in his lap. This happened a total of 8 times. We broke away for the final time him turning me around and just holding me with his head in my shoulder. I stayed perfectly still for a second enjoying Bokuto's warm embrace before reaching for the frosting. I finished the frosting occasionally giving Bokuto some. We watched Netflix for another hour cuddling before someone walked in my room without knocking or anything. The sound of my door just swinging open scared me. So I griped Bokuto's arm a little tighter as his arms wrapped around me tighter as an instinct of me jumping at the loud sound. We stayed like that even after seeing that it was just Kuroo and Kenma. "Hey" Kuroo said waving his hand. "Hey" Kenma said in a low voice. "Thank God it's just you guys but you still scared my Akaashi knock next time." Bokuto said looking kinda angry. I blushed at the fact that Bokuto had just called me "My Akaashi" I wasn't used to this kind of attention. "Wow did you just say My Akaashi" Kuroo said swaving his hand.

~Time skip brought to you by Kenma's dying phone~

Kuroo and Kenma had already left because of the fact that it was already 10:30 PM. "Do you want to go to sleep?" Bokuto said noticing my constant yawning. "No you wanna stay up right it's 10:30 on a Friday Night." I said trying to keep my eyes open. "It's ok I see how much your struggling to stay awake." Bokuto said smiling. "If you say so." I say yawning. Bokuto picks me up and puts me on my bed. Cuddling up next to me Bokuto took of my glasses and puting them on my side table along with my phone plugging it in. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over us holding me close to his chest I quickly feel asleep Bokuto not far behind me.

~Word count 1,111~

Thank you for reading the first chapter of my first book! Tell me in the comments any suggestions you have for I'm new to writing Shout out to my best friend ✨ Ivy ✨

-Your very dramatic short person
