
POV: Akaashi

I woke up warm and comfy. I didn't move and just enjoyed Bokuto's warm embrace. Bokuto woke up knew I was awake, and just carryied me downstairs wedding style. (While Bokuto is still in the process of picking Akaashi up) "Bokuto what are you doing!?" I said kind of freaking out "Carrying you downstairs cupcake!" Bokuto said with a wide smile. I blushed and relaxed taking in the love and affection. Bokuto smiled at seeing me blush but not doing anything. When we got downstairs I forgot that my parents were sitting there. They saw me relax into Bokuto's shoulder and Bokuto so proudly cary me downstairs. "That's so cute" my mom said as she took a picture. I immediately opened my eyes and turned a bright pink. Bokuto smiled at this and put me down as he knew I was flustered. I quickly walked to the kitchen pretending they didn't just see that. "Hey you wanna go out today?" Bokuto said wrapping around me from behind. "Were?" I had no clue what we would do but Bokuto being Bokuto he of course would. "Picking sunflowers!" Bokuto said in a low voice but still sounding excited. I blushed because he knew sunflowers were my favorite flower. Bokuto booped my nose and went to go get the milk for our cereal. As soon as I went to grab it from him, instead of getting the milk I received a kiss instead. Bokuto was sweet like this he just gives random passionate kisses. You never know when ones coming which is one of my favorite parts about him. "I swear I'm gonna have a whole book of Bokuto loving Akaashi by the end of the week" My mom said as she took a picture,smiled and walked away. My dad had already left sometime before. Bokuto broke the kiss after what felt like 3 seconds but was really like a minute and a half. I gave a him a tight hug. I was still tired and really loving in the mornings and late nights. Within no time at all Bokuto had picked me up like a toddler and grabbed our cereal. "Bokuto do you mind carrying me around?" "Not at all cupcake." Bokuto spoke in a low voice as it was to early for even him to be loud as he set down our bowls of cereal. Bokuto set me down at the table next to him as we quickly finished our cereal and went to get ready. Bokuto already kept clothes at my house as he was here often. He went into the bathroom to change so I could to. He came out wearing a yellow sweater and black jeans. I was wearing Bokuto's costume Fukurodani yellow jacket and some dark blue ripped jeans Bokuto picked me up wedding style and carried me downstairs and out the door and put me in the passenger seat. Bokuto got in and started the car. "I love you Bokuto" Bokuto just looked at me before pulling out of the driveway. He kissed me and held my face. I kissed back of course and after a minute or to we pulled away to breath only a string of saliva attaching us. I blushed and smiled at my beautiful boyfriend. "I love you to cupcake" Bokuto said with a genuine smile.

~Time skip brought to you by the love songs I'm listening to~

We got to the field and my face lit up as I saw the many beautiful sunflowers not far from me. Bokuto to a picture and set it has his lock screen. "Did you just take a picture of me?" I said confused. "Yep and with no regrets" Bokuto said smirking. We got out of the car and I just gave him a tight hug. Bokuto took this to his advantage and picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Bokuto!" I said as he picked me up in a concerned shock. Bokuto laughed a bit "Your fine Akaashi baby I won't drop you ok promise." Bokuto held out his pinky. I have him a pinky promise hoping he was right. We walked into the field and found some to cut and take home. He put me down to cut it but put me back on his shoulders after I held the vase in my hands. "Did you have fun?" Bokuto asked me. "Mhm!" I replied smiling like Bokuto when he's happy. "Good but guess what?" Bokuto said smirking while walking back to the car. "What?" I said genially and visibly confused. "There's more!" Bokuto said smiling at me. "Really what more could I ask for!" I said as my face lit up "Just wait and see Mi Rey" Bokuto said. "Mi Rey?" I said forgetting what it means. "It's spanish for my king" Bokuto said putting me down and opening the car door. I blushed and got in the car as he started it and started to drive off. "So I can't know" I said trying to get an answer. "Nope" Bokuto said smirking. "Not even a little hints?" I asked. "Nope you just have to be patient and see" Bokuto said not budging "your no fun" I stuck my tounge out at Bokuto as he did the same.

~Time skip brought to you by my dying phone~

"Bokuto." I said half seriously "Yes cupcake?" "Why are we at Panera bread?" I said looking straight at him. "Well you see the classic date is usually dinner so I thought I would take you sunflower picking and also take you to dinner but I wanted you to hopefully laugh at the fact that our "fancy date" is at Panera but that isn't the case" Bokuto said looking kind of nervous. I chuckled "idiot" I said and got out of the car to give him a quick kiss. He didn't except that so he didn't know what to do and ended up falling. Which a normal person wouldn't think that that was funny I thought that was hilarious tho and started dying of laughter. Soon enough Bokuto also started laughing pretty hard to. Eventually I stopped laughing and helped him up. We walked in and started ordering, I was about to pay when Bokuto handed the cashier his card. I smiled because I was certain I was paying. Bokuto got his card back and grabbed my and and led me to a table. We sat down and got our food after what felt like 3 seconds. Bokuto looked so excited to eat. I laughed at how stupid he looked while eating. We both finished and he took me home. We got out of the car and Bokuto picked me up wedding style. "Wait! Put me down Bokuto!" I said and tried to get out of his grasp. "Neverrrr!" Bokuto said excited and opening the door. My parents saw this and just awed. He took me upstairs and layed me down on the bed,Kissed my forehead and threw some clothes at me. I took the clothes he threw off my face to see Bokuto was gone. He probably went to change I thought to myself and changed. Bokuto walked in before I had put my shirt on and just stood there staring at me with a bright red face. I quickly put my shirt on and pretended it didn't happen. He picked me up again and put me in the bed this time laying down with me. The lights were off I though he was going to do something I wasn't ready for but instead he grabbed and blanket. Bokuto covered me in the blanket and held me tight as I fell asleep in his warm embrace. Bokuto fell asleep just by the warmth in his heart for our whole date day

~Word count 1336~

Thank you for reading!

Sorry it's out way later than I wanted but anyway If you have any ideas on what I should do let me know!

-Your dramatic short person
