Rain tried to get up in time, desperately trying to get his feet under him quickly enough to have time to get out of the way. Too late. Only one choice left. He reached out his paws above his head, and he caught the anvil. BOOM! The pressure wave blew through him and the stone floor fractured as his feet were pushed down with unfathomable energy. His bones screamed and he could physically feel his muscles shredding apart under the immense weighted momentum he was desperately trying to hold back. His claws dug into stone and rock sheared and shattered in a widening circle around him as he struggled to keep from being crushed. The anvil kept on crashing down and down onto his shoulders. He roared and blood flecked from his mouth and the very air trembled with the noise. But, he held. The anvil stopped still on his shoulder, the hammer had nearly broken him, and his legs shook like leaves in the wind. But, he held.
The Orc stared at him stunned.
"Well. That's a first."
She kicked him in the chest.
Rain stumbled backwards helpless to watch as the Orc heaved her anvil hammer around in a full body swing and hundreds of pounds of metal came at him, he couldn't even lift his ruined arms to stop it. The hammer freighted into him. His arm dangling by his side took it first and it shattered instantly, breaking up and down its length. Then his ribcage behind caved in, snapping ribs like twigs. The blow took him off his feet and the force of it sent him flying across the cavern to slam into the cavern wall where stone fractured and flesh tore before he crashed to the floor in a heap.
Rain tried desperately to cling to consciousness as the heavy boots of the Orc approached.
"HAHAHA! Almost had me going for a second you fuck. You're done now though, it's a small miracle you're still breathing. I think I'll mount your head on the wall as my trophy. You're bodies a mess so ain't much salvaging that yeah?"
Rain ignored her and pushed himself back up against the wall, then with immense effort he pushed upward with his legs, managing to stand, leaning against the stone for support, his back leaving a bloody smear in its wake, his arms useless at his sides.
"Oh the fire in you. Shame Elfy died, woulda done him good to see someone with a pair."
Every breath Rain took was pain.
"You…" he whispered.
The Orc stepped closer to hear.
"You've got green on you."
She tilted her head not understanding and Opal slipped her knife around the Orc's throat and slashed at her muscular neck. The blade penetrated, but shallow, the Orc yelped and a hand came up to grab at the Goblin riding her back, but she was already gone, only a cut to match the previous one Rain had made with his claws left in her wake.
Rain leapt on the opportunity and heaved himself away from the wall. His jaws opened wide and his teeth fell on the forearm of the arm carrying the hammer and bit down like an unstoppable guillotine. Skin, fat, muscle, all split apart, teeth met bone and sheared through them such was his do or die strength. The hammer crashed to the ground with a green hand and part of an arm still clutching it.
"WHAT!?" screamed the Orc staring at her severed stump in horror. Rain stumbled forward blood sheeting from his maw, his eyes intense and wild. The Orc panicked and grabbed at his face with her other hand trying to keep him away. SNAP. Half her fingers vanished down Rain's throat. BITE. Her hand was inside his mouth and rapidly disappearing. She tried to pull away but his jaws would not let go and each bite made more of her vanish behind those hungry greedy teeth, already he was working his way toward her elbow.
She screamed wordlessly and smashed her head down on the wolf in a wild headbutt. It worked, stopping Rain long enough for her to pull her arm free.
She turned and ran, long legs shoving her forward, one step, two- A weight clamped down on her ankle and she tripped and fell. She turned and looked down in fright to see the black furred thing had thrown itself and managed to catch her in its jaws once more. It crunched down and severed her foot. Then it began to eat its way up her shin. She screamed and bellowed in fear and her other foot came down to kick at the wolf. CRUNCH. The teeth bit at that foot too, shearing through her boot and right through to flesh and bone. She could only watch as it continued to eat her alive bit by bit, using its legs to shove itself forward as its arms were broken. It was consuming her from the feet upward.
She screamed herself hoarse and tried to crawl away, the stumps of her arms fruitlessly dragging against the ground as she hyperventilated.
"Stop! P-please! Oh gods!"
Rain didn't hear her. He was no longer conscious and his body was working of its own accord.
Her muscular thighs soon went inside the beast, then her hips, then her abs and stomach.
Her vision was getting dark and she stared up at the cavern ceiling unseeing.
"The Elf was right… He was right damn him. There's always something… something out there... something worse than a nightmare..."
Her eyes fluttered shut as implacable teeth met her rib cage and devoured her.