Rain's eyes crept open as growth stretched his limbs. He groaned and his back arched, his feet slipping across the floor as he pushed himself up.
As the surge of growth left he slumped back down breathing deep.
Opal looked down at him from where she was crouched over his head, worry creasing her brow.
"Hey." said Rain.
Opal pouted. "I thought you were gonna die."
Rain paused. "So did I. What happened exactly?"
"You got smashed up by the Orc leveler real bad. I stepped in and saved your life."
"Oh, I remember that bit."
"And then you seemed to black out and go into an eating frenzy. You ate that Orc bitch alive."
"Ah." He waved his paws in front of his face, both attached to quite healthy and undamaged arms. "I'm uninjured."
"Well you did eat a pretty big leveler, and then later, while you were still unconscious, I fed you five squished Kobolds and a few Goblins, and then all the camps food supplies, and then even later the annoying floaty Elf guy which finished off the healing, that last bit of growth was from that."
"I… see."
"Hmphh, no need to thank me."
"Thank you Opal. I mean it, I'd be dead without you."
She blushed despite herself and looked away.
"It's f-fine."
Rain gathered himself and after a moment managed to sit up and then get to his feet.
"Woah, taller again. Voice is a little deeper too."
He looked down at the Goblin who couldn't help but keep snatching glances at him. He estimated he'd gained nearly two inches of height. The wonders of eating levelers.
"Did they leave anything useful in their camp?"
Opal pulled her shiny new rapier from her side which was a match for her reacquired cutlass resting on her other hip. After showing him the sharp blade she sheathed it.
"Mhmm. That elf guy liked his quality. Sacks of coin too."
"Really? How much?"
Opal shrugged and went and fetched three bulging coin bags which she poured out onto the ground. A heaping pile of gold met Rain's eyes.
"Apparently slaving pays pretty well. That's more gold than I've seen in my whole life, not that I've ever had the opportunity to see much."
"Levelers kill monsters, but taking us as slaves is something Gobbos actually fear more. The ones who escape do not have happy stories to tell. You would know that though, right?"
Rain hesitated. He wasn't unfamiliar with monster slaving, the town of Lynthia where he lived his previous life even had a small monster slaving market. It was a bleak place that's streets often ran red with blood and the stories of casual cruelty that came out of it were enough to make your hairs curl.
"I know. Goblins are known as disposable slaves."
He hadn't actually thought of the slave market as anything but part of life and out of sight and mind in his previous life, something for the wealthy, it was always just... there. He was beginning to wonder if that thinking was wrong somehow with his shift in perspective. He shook his head. Not his problem, not now that he was an ungodly terror of a monster.
He had Opal gather the coin back together and stow it in the bottom of her rucksack.
"I can't help but notice you still have three slaves chained up." said Rain gesturing at two Kobolds and a Goblin who were watching them warily.
Opal scowled. "Yes, most got away even though I managed to get the key back. I tried to find and recapture them but they all went to ground, vanished into the tunnels. You can eat these ones now though yes?" She seemed to cheer up a little at that last bit.
Rain eyed the chains, recalling Opal wearing them. "No, not right now…"
"But why? It's free food! Aren't you hungry?"
"I'm… still recovering. They're not going to get away, are they? They can be snacks for later."
The chained up Goblin whimpered hearing that and the two Kobolds eyed Rain fearfully and backed away as far as their chains would allow.
Rain pursed his lips. "You fed me in front of them, didn't you?"
He sighed. "Nevermind. Look, I want to be stronger, unstoppable, for next time I see… those who enslaved me." He curled his paw into a fist. "I want to figure out how to do that and fast. We're two floors up from where we started. The monsters are weaker around here right?"
"Mm, Sort of. The middle dungeon just has a lot more tribal monsters whereas the lower floors have fewer but more powerful single monsters, though you can still find them here too."
"...That actually sounds like a good thing. Tribal monsters are much easier to kill and there's more to eat if I kill a group."
"Yes, the middle floors will be good for food, lots of monsters, lots to eat. Many levelers come here too, many more than the lower floors, and usually not as high a level so they are easier to kill," she grinned.