Caused a war

"What happened this morning?" I ask, hoping they could clear up my confusion.

Thesis freezes mid-bite. The fork was barely touching his lips when he sat the utensil on the plate. Theros wipes his mouth with a napkin from my rack, pushing his unfinished plate further in front of him. Both males turn to the other, probably questioning how much I knew.

I wondered how much they knew.

Theros was the one to ask me, "Ya mean, ya don't remem'er?" His eyes were focused solely on me as he inspected me from head to toe.

I shook my head, confused at his sudden shift of disposition. "No, not much." I ate a few of the honey-roasted nuts before sipping on some orange juice.

"Yer eyes turned white, an' ya were frosty to ta touch," explains Thesis. "Whenever anyone wood try to touch ya, ya only screamed en pain until we did..." His eyes casted downwards as if he was attempting not to show any emotion.

I was pretty taken aback by what he said. I was certain I had seen what I saw, but now, it was a little difficult to swallow. "What do you mean.. 'anyone?'" I question curiously.

"Yur friends, the redheaded gal and a teal haired boi, they tried ta help ya," Theros responds slowly. I thought of Jadis and Prospero at the mention of their colors. He was scary calm as he spoke, his voice a pained hush. "But ya woodn't respond no madder what. We were 'fraid ta loose ya," he admits softly. There was no shame in his voice, only sorrow.

My heart hurt for them after what they went through with me. It saddened me that they were frowning because of my transition. Blinking a few times, I decide to confide in them about what's really going on. A lopsided smile spreads onto my lips as I lean onto the counter between them. Theros glances at me, and so does Thesis. They both question me with their eyes, and I can't hold it in any longer.

Sighing, my voice comes out dully. "Yeah, what you saw was part of my transition." They both still seemed to be confused. I giggle at their expressions; with both brows furrowed, it was quite a sight.

"We call it our Becoming. Each Wicken transitions through a state that allows them to access their main power, which is unknown to everyone until the time comes to use it." I plop a grape into my mouth as the two comprehend my words.

As soon as they do, Thesis growls, glaring at his mug of coffee. Theros holds a pained expression as my eyes flicker between the two in confusion.

"How long has tis been goin' un?" Thesis grinds out. His hands shift between his Human state and his Lycan state.

I bite my lip, uncertain if I should answer him. It's Theros' demanding gaze that forces me to answer. "Four lapses," I murmur, avoiding eye contact with the both of them.

"What?!" They roar with rage.

I whince at the sound, knowing this was coming. Thesis ran a hand through his chocolate locks, slamming his fist onto the counter. The sound of broken wood spays out onto my hardwood floor. Gasping at Thesis' reaction, I take a few steps back. His eyes were the silvery blue of his Lycan as he stood. My heart rate increased as he advances for me, and before I can take off, I grab my wand. Thesis stops, glaring at my magic stick as I held it to my side.

We lock eyes for a few moments as Theros directs, "Calm 'em down, Damara."

My eyes flicker from him to the Lycan shifting before me. "And how am I supposed to do that, Theros?" I hiss, barely standing.

Thesis growls at the sound of Theros' name coming from my mouth. "Touch him, talk to him," Theros answers, giving the two of us some space.

I look back to Thesis, scared if he would lash at me. He snarls when I plead for visual help from Theros again, then snaps at him for it. Something in me cracks deeper, igniting a dull throbbing in my chest. My grip on my wand tightens.

"Hey," I snap towards Thesis. His icy silver eyes dart to met my gaze as his bares his teeth.

Talk about the big bad wolf... My subconscience automatically reverts to satire commentary.

Licking my lips, I slowly bend down, dropping my wand to the linoleum. Thesis' beast analyzes my every move, and I rise before reluctantly shuffling towards him. He growls at my speed, and I flinch. Thesis only stands there, huffing, as I hesitantly give the beast a soft hug. My heart pounded in my chest and as soon as I touched his fur. It was coarse and prickly, but my hands soon sunk into the warmth, finding silky soft fur. A sigh left my mouth when I heard his erractic heart beat.

He felt the same.

A smile comes to my lips as I snuggle into his chest. "Thesis," I whispered against his chest.

The beast only freezes for a moment before his two huge arms lean down, picking me up from the floor. I suck in some breath as my feet left the floor. My heart starts pounding in my chest, beating against my rib cage. When my face is only millimeters away, his tongue darts out and licks up towards my face. I try to hold in the squeal from the feeling of his wet tongue on my skin. His nose touches my cheek, and my eyes spot his changing hues. Since I couldn't move my hands, I decided to lay my head on his chest to show him that it was okay.

At least, I hoped he would come to that conclusion.

His fur reverted back under his skin and I was still in his arms. My feet try to touch the floor, but I notice I'm still in the air. Thesis buries his head into my neck, mumbling a few words before there was a soft kiss on my cheek. When my feet hit the ground again, a happy sigh left my lips. Thesis still had me wrapped up in his arms, but after a few more inhales of my scent, he seemed to be fine.

"I'm sorry—" his words startle me and I look his way— "We weren't tere to hold ya, Damara." I saw his crestfallen expression, pained he felt this way about it.

I only smile, caressing both his cheeks with my palms. "Don't be. I've dealt with the pain for four lapses, so what's a few more if it means I have you two to hold me?" I gave him my brightest smile before planting a kiss on his nose. He makes a face as he scrunches his nose, and I laugh at his reaction.

Turning to Theros, I spot him with my wand and smile at the two of them. Theros grins, as if I passed a test, and wraps an arm around my waist. "Well, I think ya did a fan'astic job, " he praises me. I roll my eyes at Theros playfully before winking at Thesis.

Accepting my wand from Theros, I motion for the two to sit down. They only give me a look before I raise my glowing wand. "Sit, before I make you." I warn, glaring at the two. They take it upon themselves to listen to me, sitting back on my stools.

With a smile on my lips, I'm grateful for the new tool of manipulation. The wand resides on the counter as we eat. I was in a dilemma, and I wanted answers, but I didn't want to badger them. I was curious what an 'Alpha' was and wondered what that made me. Also, since Thesis is a Lycan and Theros is a Were, would there be any complication between the species? If their was something to cause a war between them, it'd be a massacre in Wolvenry.

I don't know how I'd feel if I caused a war.