
Instead of eating another grape, I bite my lip and stare intently at the edge of the plate, uncertain how to proceed with my inquires. I suppose I was in my own bubble when Theros touches my hand. "What's wrong?" My eyes flicker to his, staring into the desirable chocolate drops. Concern festers in those dark depths as he pleas for an answer with them.

Thesis' attention is diverted from the half T-bone steak on the table. He drops his fork, forgetting the meal o focus on me. Curiosity burns bright in his electric sapphires. I'm pulverized by their piercing gazes and my eyes widen at their sudden change in demeanor.

I swallow uncomfortably. My eyes dart to my plate as I eat another grape. "Well.. wouldn't there be war between your two species? I've never heard of two wolves choosing the same mate before," I admit hesitantly.

When I glanced into their eyes, I saw warmth flooding from their pores. Thesis didn't bother to hold back his wide, carefree smile. He leans back, staring at me with loving eyes as Theros shakes his head, reaching for my hand. Theros caresses my palm tenderly. I blink back a blush, trying to disperse my embarrassment.

Thesis smiles warmly, "Ya 'ere meant fer us." He nods his head towards me as his eyes linger below my lips. Confused, I try to follow his gaze to my shoulder. There was nothing there.

Then, my eyes spot the tattoo.

My hand touches the mark and I flicker my haze to Thesis' stormy eyes. "My tattoo?" I say abruptly. Scrunching my eyebrows, I turn to Theros. He saw the tattoo first, and seemed to recognize the meaning.

"What does my birthmark have to do with us?" My hands gesture from me to them, confused out of my mind.

Thesis suddenly leans forwards, his hand snatching my neck right where the mark lingered. "Ya 'ave the mark of the woof right un yur juggular." Theros mentions as Thesis' thumb traces over the embedded ink. My attention wavers to Theros.

"An' ta symbol is ta mark of triads en er world," Thesis smiles, brushing a few strands of hair from the birthmark. I watch his eyes soften when he distinguishes the rest of the tattoo.

Theros' hands engulfs mine, "Which means ya belong ta us, both." My eyes had glanced from the storm and into those chocolate depths.

I was most definitely startled at the declaration. I searched both of their eyes, finding no deceit or conviction, only love and happiness. Goosebumps rise along my skin and I decided to induldge in a grape instead of the conversation. It was hard to believe because of my tattoo I was betrothed to two wolves; my parents did this to me, whether they knew or not.

I concluded I was happy, surprisingly happy with two males.

Biting my lip, a smile spreads across my mouth. My head shakes because of the situation, but when I ogle back into those stormy and chocolate gazes, my heart pounds hard in my chest. "And, you two—" I gesture to the two of them— "are mine as well?" I rose a brow, daring them to speak the wrong words.

Theros gives me a grand smile, lacing his fingers through mine. "Only yurs, Damara." He bestows a kiss to my hand, all while keeping eye contact with me.

As I blush, a growl from Thesis echoes in my ear. His lips caressed my earlobe, sending feverous chills down my spine. Then, Thesis sneers lowly, "Yer on'y ers. Don't tink I'm evah leavin' yer side, mah sweet." I held back the moan in my throat, trying to keep my control. It was challenging when two males advanced on me and I wished to melt in their arms.

Both males were so compelling and husky, I didn't know if I was conscious or not.

A knock on the door glides me out of my reverie, and I retract from both men. It took a few moments, but I finally escape from their grasp. Of course they growl; Thesis snarls, too. Throwing both of them a nasty look, I walk to the door and open it. I'm surprised to see my partner, Trance, standing on my porch. Blinking a moment, I notice the worried frown on his lips, as well as the fidgeting hands shoved into his pockets.

When his eyes dart to the open door, he takes me in a hug. His foresty scent engulfs my body, and I sigh from the homely incense. He held me softly in a loving hug. I was comforted immediately as soon as we touched, and I could only smile. Before I can return the gesture or speak, Trance holds me at arms length.

His wild violet eyes seem to hold back panic, causing concern to grow within me. "Damara! How's your health?" Trance exasperates, inspecting me from bottom to top with fidgety eyes.

A tender smile graces my lips, "My health— I'm better than I was." My hands caress his and gently let him go with a soft smile.

He finally smiles, a bit of the panic faded from his eyes. His fingers loosen against my skin. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help. I was with Elder Madea when I heard what happened. Elder Tannin reported you've come of age," Trance apprises.

I blink, gasping when he revealed the news. My feet fall back at his words, the situation becoming scattered. "What? What did she... What did she declare?" I repeat. My voice was wavering at the possibility of her decision and my body tremors before Trance.

Trance hesitates before he solemnly says, "She's declared for you to go through your Reckoning." He seemed to grow heavy at his final piece of news. Trance observed my state intensely, grabbing my wrist to steady my balance.

Growls leaked through my house and Trance's fingers left my skin, yet all I could think about was the Reckoning.