
ch.19 Alterverse.

So what the hell was that disjointed garbage he was talking about?

I dont know but it did sound kind of interesting in the beginning of it..

Nonsense, you just didn't piece the thing together the way he did, nor could you see it in his way, because it was too busy being in HIS way, to be in anybody else's way, now, if we can get away from this little side note? Yes, maybe we can resume a little normality, talk yourself into developing a bit of character, and dont self destruct when some moron takes it out of context, or giggles a little bit when you barf on yourself the way you are right now!

Well then what do you suggest we DO!?

WELL, first of all you've got to iterate and discern when two or more people are in a dialog, and for gods sake dont make them sound so much alike! Err, whoops,...

You planning on being an orchestra conductor? Or a train, conductor?

You couldn't have a one track mind if the singularity depended on it!

Yeah but,

Oh but nothing...

Tell me something DJ, what do you think was so disjointed about what he was saying, I mean the scenery and characters were a bit scattered but, the lines were roughly parallel.

Now, I actually think so too on that but, the way he confused the rapture with the singularity, and brought those two timelines to a confluence, fusing elements from both to cobble an entirely new one together...

Yeah, I see that too, its a constant scene setting, but it never goes anywhere...

Well, last I checked you can only be in one universe at a time..

Yeah, have fun with THAT digital GOD!