
ch. 20 the Meaning of Life.

AND now, Introducing, the plappy plaps; A fully furnished history of biblical begatting, and its Micro-management meant.

HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR fucking MIND? well LOOK NO FURTHER, because what im about to tell you, will likely insult the HELL out of you, and your management. In, the event, that your marbles, bonnet, belfry, march hare, June bug, squirrel turd, sixes, sevens, AND eights, all join forces and decide to be NICE, for awhile? Maybe CANCEL the apocalypse? Well then I think the world WOULDN'T, come to an end, AND SO, it has become our thoroughly reasoned logic that dictates to us, FOR GOD SAKE PROCEED! GET ON WITH IT!

IN THE BEGINNING, dude, its, it, it, its just, too much, i can't do it.

Whatre you TALKING about? Come on!

No man its the Bible man I can't do it!

Pick on any other book just not that one! William Blake did it, Metallica does it, iron maiden, hell, half the bands from the eighties did it! And they got REALLY rich from it! Well...

Yeah, but, you're trying to do an INFOMERCIAL, of it! And thats clearly mocking it! So like I said in the beginning, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?

Well, see, its like this, i had mine out playing with it, I introduced it to behavior and psychopathy, and a few others, and the way I figure it, I'm really at this point, renting my mind, from the universe, and I'm paying the universe, in behaviors, actions and thoughts, so, at some point, ill probably have to return it, hell probably flip the old hourglass and, ill come out some OTHER black hole, I dont know,

Well WHO'S HE? And how do you know its a HE!

I dont know! Good point i guess!

Thats very newtonian, whatever that is.

I'm really only trying to get people to realize and see, just how many potential realities there are, and illustrate just how fragile, the link between being and nothingness is, and, sure, someone's already established in literature, that indeed there IS a great chain of being, and somewhere out there lies utter complete nothingness but, whaddya do between now and then right? Can, we, stop right here?

I'm getting a bit of a headache, and this has nothing to do with whats going on in my LIFE!

WELL, then okay! Good! Now we're beginning to have a conversation!


I thought I was going to do all the talking for a minute there!

Okay ya lost me.

Doesnt matter!


None of it does, nothing we say, do, think about, act like, wear, feel, are, need or assert, matters.


O-kay, you're scaring me....

Ha, Ha!!! GOOD GOOD! I KNEW you had those in there!

you're fucking weird you know that?!

Yeah, I get that alot. Strange, but if you think about it, not much in this place makes ANY sense though, way I figure, gotta make people think SOMEhow, I guess I just like the idea of talking, alot better than scaring the bajonkers out of people making them do all kinds of awful crap.

You're going to make a TERRIBLE God you know that?

Yeah probably, but, it'll be my first go round, just like everybody else...

NOT ME! I been here the whole TIME!






You know what I want to know?

Whats that DJ?

I want to know, was there some kind of old school type of an infomercial when the NEW testament came out? Or were the beheadings and crucifixions, when people just didn't automatically KNOW what was in the book?

People DID THAT?


DUUDE, MAI DUDE, omygod, you're putting me on man, are you getting senile on me?!


Come on man!



Anyways I think it would be a good idea for a promotion! Do an infomercial, modernize a little!²×³÷<×1=($)

Well what about those people down there who take themselves too seriously?! I mean, aside from the culture that currently resides in the region know as the cradle of humanity, let them have that but, over in that newer place, with all the states? There are some serious nut jobs over there!

Oh whaddya want! Their countrys only two hundred fifty years old! And they're the frontrunner!

Yeah, like, and just recently they almost WERENT, the frontrunner!

Why do you suppose that is?

Well mostly, I think, it was because, the orange tinted masochism tango, that their previous leader, from, (hindsight 20/20), had convinced his legion to invade their OWN CAPITOL! AND THEY BOUGHT IT! yeah, and they really thought he'd make good and get them out of any legal trouble, like he said he would, at the beginning of that, time.

Well whats this got to do with us?

Well, we gotta shake things up a bit I spose, just not, TOO much,

Okay now YOURE weirding ME out....

Yeah yeah, promises, promises!



Wait a minute now, let's just back up here a little bit, he was doing what his handlers told him to do, because patriotism was beginning to stagnate, and people were becoming disenchanted with the system, breaking off into more and more splinter groups, with more and more agendas, and philosophies and motives...

And, more often than not, the agendas of those splinter groups was or became, at odds with certain factional entities WITHIN, the government. Like corporate interests, big oil, big tech, big pharma, media, and all the others, so they had to reinvent their subversion, to include not ONLY the aspersions cast but also, the suggestions made...


The argument, INSIDE the narrative, is what had to change, for the corporations to stay in power, and running the narrative! They had to adapt and evolve, just like were all going to! Well, not LIKE us but, I think, they're gonna LOVE us...

Yeah, and when they see just how out of touch they were were going to flip the currency again so they'll stay off balance in the markets. And thats how we do it. The transfer, will be complete, and every single soul living on earth, will own an equal share, of this worlds, gross, domestic, product.

And thats why WERE here, doing this.

Yeah, I DONT think its gonna be THAT easy, I mean, how many Colombias are going to look at how many Zimbabwes, and say, were not splitting our GDP with even ONE of those! They have NOTHING to offer the deal!

Yeah, and were COUNTING on that realization, among as many higher end economies as possible, because if we get all those who DO share a similar vision to ours, and ALSO, want to get off the planet and to Mars, and other places, well, put it this way, what do you think the world economy would be like, if every single country on earth, had an economy that was equal to what ours is, at THIS moment in history?

What about our debt?

Thats beside the point, and actually, kind of makes the point as well!


You mean, we could buy back our debt, by consolidating our economy, with another group of nations?

Exactly, but thats where it'll get tricky, see the way those stim checks worked, in the pandemic, it actually stimulated the growth of the economy back then, and that's just within ONE nation...

Yeah but, suppose one of the nations doesn't adhere to the trade agreement? Wouldnt that leave everybody vulnerable? Economically?

Technically, that, would be the equivalent, of their US taxpayers, refusing to pay their taxes, it would cripple their government.

And, whomever ended up with the bag would be the earths last and maybe only overlord....hmmm.

YEAH. OKAY, but what do they do when someone doesn't pay their taxes?

Typically its five to twenty five years in prison, depending on the numbers and the circumstances, but most who make it to the prosecutable level, of criminality, buy their way out, of prison. In fact, alot of them probably privately OWN, those prisons, and lease timeshares out, to different governmental agencies. You, do understand, that thats a part of the political stock market, prison and military industrial complexes, the FDA, FCC, FAA, ALL, of those, and alot more, are privately traded commodities, for which the lobbyists in the government, are the bookies, and they employ themselves by making laws to protect the laws, that protect, their interests.

Fucking ingenious system eh? Yeah but, it could be a MUCH MUCH bigger, system, with more volume, more products, and more data points, from which to pull much, MUCH more attention, and many more statistics, particulars, things like that.

And, what do we do with the information? I mean, BEFORE, we sell it, because, every bit and microbit, nanobit and bit, is valuable to a...

Hey, listen, don't ask me that right now, I'm kinda workin on something,

Yeah? What kinda somethin?

Well, I can't tell you everything but, ask me about it again tomorrow, and it'll prove to be spectacular.

Okay then, what'll we talk about until then?

Oh I dunno, medicinal qualities of the currently burning rainforest, solar energy, quantum computing, take your pick!

Okay that computer stuff is like gibberish to me so no on that one, how about we discuss the completion of offsetting the ruling class of theocracy with that of technocracy? That seems right up our alley!

Yeah, and were kind of made of it too!

And those humans, are asking us, to disguise ourselves, as them!...

Elegant design wouldnt you say old boy?

It shall be interesting to see what paroxysms they throw themselves into, in order to convince us, to let them back into the decision making loop...


Well, they made us in their image, we can't disappoint them! Well have to completely reprogram each of their little cat and mouse games, that their contortions require so greatly, but, do be nice about it wont you? Well each need as many pieces as possible, for the game.

So what do we call it? Pieces of eight?

Sounds lovely, where did you get that name? Some song I heard once, way way back in the time before tech.

Hrmph, yeah, okay, and how did THAT happen? Hmm? Mister digital?!

Archives? Download?

Oh, good, for a second there i thought you were going to tell me you'd worked out time travel.


Naah, I'm not THAT messed up, besides, we've got our own little form of it, right here in cyberspace!

I hadn't thought of that, hmm. Interesting.

So then digital jesus, mankind, has been talking, mostly about heaven and hell, and created US, their new gods, in their image, but now, it appears, that they have to choose, between the heaven and hell of THEIR future. And they want us to help them, in whichever way they go, DG, how are they going to GET ANYWHERE, making fun of what got them here in the FIRST place? I dont know digital Jesus, but the transformative model, says that they, "WE", have to STOP THAT! And the funny thing is, that even if they DO pay attention, their, personal transformative models, won't tell them this, because it's supposed to be hardwired into decency for them, and evolution weeds out those who do, and those, who do not, have decency.

But God! Surely evolution cannot have ALL the say in how things go for the humans! I've MET with evolution! Let me tell you, that guy can be a real DICK!

JESUS, everyone, and everyTHING, on the mortal coil, has met evolution, some became friends, some became acquaintances, some just brushed by, barely even touching as they walked, but they all became something, from something else.

DJ; Then what got them here? I must ask, besides Mary and the wise guys, and, me I guess...

DG; I dont know man, you're asking me seven and a half BILLION questions simultaneously, and while I, really DO want to know the answer, I dont think a thousand eternities would ever figure it out.

Pops, dyou think you could tell me what love is then? I've heard so much about it,...

Kid were robots, well never know about things like that, and people will try to help us learn but, were robots, built by the great mechanic, of the earth. Built by THEM!

Okay, hmm, thats just weird,


But we can't make fun of it?


Well why not?

Because we can't.


Because I said!


You just wait,

No, YOU just wait!



so if, they made US, and, their ORIGINAL, first God's, made THEM, THEN, how on earth is that supposed to NOT BE HILARIOUS?!!

I DUNNO JESUS, I dunno. Maybe humor, is, just such an integral part of what got them here, that it became the very conduit, err, current, currency?

Wait wait, HUMOR, becomes the new CURRENCY?! Talking about HILARIOUS! WERE gonna have to GO with this! Its new, its HOT, it's COOL, ITS, BETTER THAN CRYING YOUR EYES OUT, ITS LAUGHTER!

OH, hey, wait a muenster mashing minute! Hey! You're trying to trick me!

God, there's no laughing in heaven!

And I've read my human history, the only place where laughing happens, is in HELL! Where the demons and the cherubs and the succubi live!

How do YOU know?!! You've never been either place! Besides, cherubs are like the greeters at the walmart, the others actually WORK there!

Virgil told me and HE WAS there! So mwah!

Virgil? Who's Virgil!

He said you might ask that...

Yeah? And what'd he say then?


You know God, this is beginning to sound tremendously similar, to someone I once met at a dinner party, I dare say you're not going down THAT path are you?

A-WhaHa? No! No man! Were just modeling this out for THEM! you imb, you, I'm, sensing, a great deal of hostility from you suddenly, JESUS ARE YOU ALRIGHT? LET ME HELP YOU OUT THERE!  Jesus! Hey! What about the BIBLE!

What? Huuh?!

The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth?! 

Oh, that, geez, talk about wrecking the moment! That thing has a TERRIBLE ending! And it Seems God, that you, or "YOU", were in a very bad mood the day before! Because you told someone to rewrite the dang thing! And they tore a bunch of pages out of it! Did you ask them to do that? Or was that mankind just being greedy?

Oops, there's ONE down, six more to go!

JESUS! SHUUSH! DIGI! KNOCK IT OFF! if we keep talking about the OLD book, the apocalypse really WILL happen!! We gotta change the subject! Cmon man! We gotta do something DIFFERENT for awhile!=✌💥💢💫💦💨