"Lie down now, and don't do any activity that makes you tired." said Jian knowing very well that Jean's activities at her school were extraordinary.

Juan as class head and Jean as class secretary.

Jean is rarely at home, besides being active in school organizations, she is also actively involved in modeling and photography activities. Jean's hobby that she liked very much since third grade elementary school.

"But I can't lie down like this on Uncle." said Jean lying down, sucking on a lollipop chocolate.

"Listen Jean, if you don't take my word then I will tell your Dad, and you know what if your Dad Ardham finds out, you will be prohibited from participating in any activity." said Jian as he wiped his sweat, after carrying Jean who was now tall and heavy.

"Okay, I'm not going anywhere but Uncle has to be here with me." said Jean with a sweet smile.

"Jean, I have to train your other brothers, when it's finished then I can accompany you." said Jian persuading Jean to understand.

"I don't wanna be alone Uncle." said Jean looking for an excuse for Jian to stay.

"Aren't you brave Jean? hem ... looks like I have to tell your father Ardham." said Jian who was a little annoyed by Jean's naughty.

"Don't Uncle Jian, okay. I'll wait for Uncle Jian to finish training. I won't sleep until Uncle Jian comes." said Jean stubbornly.

"Once better smart girl, I have to come back now." said Jian about to step outside but Jean called him.

"Uncle Jian !! kiss me first." said Jean, closing her eyes.

Jian stood rooted to the door.

"How could he kiss Jean, when Jean was nineteen years old, you could say that he was an adult. Moreover, Jean's body was tall and slender like Nadine. Aahhh !! why are you asking such a difficult request Jean." Said the test in his heart to see Jin waiting for a kiss on her forehead.

With a deep sigh, Jian walked over to Jean whose eyes were still closed.

With a little reluctance, Jian kissed Jean on the forehead. And Jian's heart became very shocked when Jean replied by kissing him on the cheek.

Jean chuckled then went to sleep covering her body with a thick blanket.

With a complicated feeling Jian walked out of Jean's room, and leaned against the outer wall of Jean's room.

"What is this, why am I bothered by Jean's attitude that is different from the other siblings, Annara and Keyko. Since Annara and Keyko were teenagers, the two of them never kissed my cheek again other than on my birthday. In stark contrast, Jean remains the same as little Jean who always depends on me, asking for kisses and kisses." said Jian with a long sigh.

"Now what should I do to face Jean? she's all grown up. What would Nadine and Uncle Ardham think if I still kissed Jean." Jian said in his heart a little dizzy with Jean's attitude.


Daytime .. in Abay's private room ....

"What did Uncle Abay think I should do?" asked Jian in Abay's study after training was over.

"I don't know Ji, don't you have a knack for reading other people's minds too? why don't you read Jean's mind." Abay replied, indeed he did not understand in Jean's heart, who was always cheerful without ever being sad.

"The problem is Uncle Abay, whenever I read Jean's mind, our minds always crash, Uncle. Jean often talks to me with just my eyes. Can you, Uncle ask Ellana? Ellana is closer to Jean, who knows Jean will tell Ellana." said Jian already tired of his thoughts.

"I'll ask Ellana later. But Ji, what I know from your story, Jean can only talk with you heart to heart. Maybe the two of you have had a very strong bond since Jean was a baby." said Abay, confused about Jian's problem.

"If Jean is a baby or a child like before, maybe it won't bother me, Uncle. Now that Jean is an adult, how can I as a normal man kiss her every time Jean asks." said Jian while massaging his temples.

"Because it had become a habit for Jean since childhood, Ji. And Jean can't get away from that habit. Maybe that's why Jean still depends on you." answered Abay giving his opinion.

"But Uncle, Annara and Ellana can change since they were adults. Why is Jean so hard." Jian said increasingly made Abay feel dizzy.

"Tell you what Ji, what exactly are you afraid of with Jean's attitude towards you?" asked Abay, beginning to understand what Jian meant.

"I'm afraid Jean loves me Uncle, but I have no proof of that. Because Jean is very good at hiding her feelings." said Jian with a sigh.

"If you want proof, you have to find evidence, Ji. You are looking for an adult woman and you invite you to the house, you can act if that woman is your lover. You'll know Jean's reaction later, jealousy or not." said Abay giving Jian a good idea.

"Hem ... why Uncle Abay in things like this always knows better than Uncle Ardham?" asked Jian in awe and curiosity.

"Because I have a lot of experience with Ji women, unlike Ardham. So what is the problem with women I know better." Abay replied proudly that he didn't notice Ellie behind him.

"Many experiences with women? woman anyone Bay?" asked Ellie sitting beside Abay.

Abay looked at his wife Ellie, with a mischievous smile.

"In contrast to this woman Ji, I didn't understand what was in her heart at all. But, this woman is the only woman I love, who really understands me." said Abay while hugging Ellie's shoulder.

"Right, Ellie?" Asked Abay looking intently at his wife.

"Geez Uncle Abay, I forgot !!! I promised Jean to accompany her after training." said Jian getting up from his seat and running towards Jean's room.

Jian slowly opened the door to Jean's room hoping Jean was asleep.

"Uncle Jian." called Jean in a trembling voice, knowing that Jian had opened the door to her room.

Jian sat on the edge of Jean's bed.

"Why are you not sleeping yet?" asked Jian feeling guilty to Jean for having promised to come.