Jian sat on the edge of Jean's bed.

"Why are you not sleeping yet?" asked Jian feeling guilty to Jean for having promised to come.

"Waiting for Uncle Jian." said Jean with a face that was red because her fever was very high.

Without replying to Jean's question, Jian felt Jean's forehead very hot.

"I'm sorry, I forgot that I promised you to accompany you." said Jian staring at Jean's face which was exactly the same as Nadine's.

"It's okay Uncle Jian." said Jean with lips that looked dry.

"And again, if you already know I'm late coming, why are you still waiting for me?" Jian asked increasingly tormented by Jean's attitude to him.

"I can't sleep Uncle Jian, I want to sleep in Uncle Jian's arms." said Jean as shamelessly as Jian felt.

"Jean, will I call Nadine? let Nadine accompany you to sleep. I still have a lot of work to do." said Jian looking for an excuse not to be alone in the room. Jian knew that Jean loved him very much, and Jian himself loved Jean very much. Although the two of them could be said to be uncle and nephew, in reality Jian was another person who was not blood related at all.

Jean just stayed silent, when Jian wanted to tell Nadine.

With feelings of sadness but not shown, Jean turned her body to face the wall of her room.

With her eyes closed, Jean tried to get rid of her dizziness.

Not getting an answer from Jean makes Jian go awry, it turns out that Jean inherited Ardham's character.

"Jean if you take care of your Mom, you will feel better. Because your Mom will be more considerate than me." said Jian giving the right reason.

But still, Jean didn't respond to Jian's words.

Jian kembali mengambil nafas panjang. In the past, if Nadine was stubborn and spoiled or when she made a mistake, Jian still had the heart for Nadine.

But now he is dealing with Jean, a teenage girl whom he raised since she was a baby and he loves. Jian is utterly helpless.

"Okay Jean, I'll sleep with you, just till you fall asleep. After that I have to go." said Jian finally succumbing to Jean.

Jean turned around, looked at Jian softly with a broad smile.

"Now go to sleep, I will accompany you here." said Jian sitting leaning beside Jean.

Jean quietly closed her eyes, hugging Jian's stomach.

Jian stared up at the ceiling, imagining how Ardham used to live alone with Nadine under one roof and one room.

After a few minutes Jian saw that Jean was asleep in her sleep, Jian slowly lifted Jean's hand which was on his stomach.

Jian made sure that Jean was fast asleep by waving his hand at Jean's eyes, Jean remained motionless.

Jian slowly moved down from the bed, not to mention that his feet stepped on the floor, Jean's hands hugged his waist with her eyes still closed.

Jian looked at Jean with an innocent face.

"Jean, why do you have to be like this ... if you are an adult, how can I explain to you? we can't be like before .. we have no blood ties. If your Dad found out we were like this, it would have put even more pressure on me to marry you." Jian said to himself.

"Maybe I should do as Uncle Abay said, to quickly find another woman before this happens." Jian said to himself, slowly letting go of Jean's hug that was on his waist.


"Jean, if you are still sick, you should just rest in your room. You don't push yourself to school." Ardham said, stroking Jean's hair who was eating Nadine's porridge.

"No Dad, I have to stay in school..there is a photography competition at school." replied Jean while taking the medicine.

Ardham sighed, looked at Nadine to talk to Jean.

"Jean, do you love Dad or not?" Nadine asked, looking softly at Jean's face.

"Really love, Mom. Like I love Mom." replied Jean finishing her drink.

"If you love Daddy, don't worry Daddy. You're glad Daddy can't work quietly thinking about his beautiful daughter, who is stubborn." said Nadine in a soft voice but always melted Jean's heart.

"Okay Mom, for the sake of my dear Daddy I didn't go to school today. But, Daddy kissed me first." said Jean leaning her cheek at Ardham.

With a happy feeling, Ardham kissed his beloved daughter Jean on the cheek.

"Hem, Hem, ... I can't kiss either, Daddy." Said Annara who saw Jean's affection for Ardham.

"Come here Annara, Daddy also really loves you." Ardham said gently pulling Annara's hand.

With a happy smile, Annara kissed Ardham on the cheek.

"I see, all my daughters love Daddy, don't love Momy." said Nadine with a sad face.

"Momy, I love you Mom." Jean said kissing Nadine on the cheek, and then Annara also kissed her.

"And you Dham, don't kiss me either?" Nadine said to Ardham who looked at her very softly.

"I love you, dear." Ardham said kissing Nadine's forehead full of feelings of love.

"I also love you very much Dham?" Nadine replied, no less affectionate.

Juan, who just arrived, didn't want to be left behind. While hugging Ardham and Nadine, Juan kissed Ardham and Nadine's cheeks.

"Good morning Dad, Mom." said Juan with a backpack on his shoulder.

"Come on, let's go Nara, Ellana is already waiting in front of Keanu." Said Juan, receiving the jam bread Nadine gave him.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving." Said Juan, kissing Ardham and Nadine on the cheek.

Annara also did the same thing that Juan did to Ardham and Nadine.

"Jean, rest in the room ... get well soon, honey." Nadine said to Jean.

Jean walked limply back to her room to rest.

"Ardham, I have news for you before you hear from Jian or anything else." Nadine said starting to open up in any case to Ardham since the Axell incident which had caused trouble between Ardham and herself.

"What's the news, dear?" Ardham asked curiously.

"Axell moved to Indonesia to become the Chancellor at the University that Juan and Jean chose." said Nadine, seeing Ardham's reaction.