"Uncle knows where the news came from, I have not shot Jean, hhhhmmmppp... " Daniel said not yet continued when Jean's hand closed his mouth.

Jian looked deeply at Jean.

"Take your hands off Jean, Daniel's not done talking." Jian said then turned to Daniel.

Jean let go of her hand, but with her gaze Jean threatens Daniel to shut up.

"Then, you said you haven't shot Jean? why not just now you tell her." said Jian as he glanced at Jean's face, which had gone awry.

Daniel looked at Jian in disbelief, how could the Jian yesterday who was like an enemy now give him the green light to shoot Jean.

"Really uncle? Can I shoot Jean now?" asked Daniel with a serious face.

"You can shoot Jean now, so that I will all know what Jean answered." said Jian glancing back at Jean's face, which looked anxious.

"Why are you nervous Jean? aren't you looking forward to this?" Jian asked looking deeply at Jean's face, really Jian felt cheated by Jean.

Jean met Jian's gaze and asked Jian in her heart language.

Jian felt very embarrassed in front of Daniel.

"Uncle? what is the uncle doing? why told Daniel to shoot me?" asked Jean with her1 misty eyes.

"Didn't you say yourself that you were shot, Daniel?" Jian's eyes traced Jean's pale face.

"Aaahhh!!! uncle, I was just kidding?" shouted Jean, eyes bulging with exasperation.

"It's too late, Jean." replied Jian with smiling lips.

Annoyed, Jean turned her gaze to Daniel. Daniel was stunned again to see Jean and Jian, who were just staring at each other's eyes.

"Daniel, are you ready to say?" asked Jian challenging Daniel's sincerity.

"Okay uncle." replied Daniel who did not know the inner bond between Jean and Jian.

Daniel looked at Jean's face intently.

"Jean as you know, I have loved you for a long time, I want you to be my lover, do you want to be my lover?" asked Daniel without shaking.

Jian looked back at Jean's eyes to immediately answer Daniel's question.

Jean was very annoyed by Jian's imposing on his will.

"Okay, uncle, if my answer makes uncle's heart happy.." looked at Jean irritatedly.

"I accept you Niel, I want to be your lover." Jean replied with her eyes fixed on Jian who was a little surprised by Jean's answer.

"Aren't you still focused on your school Jean?" asked Jian staring deeply into Jean's face.

"It's okay uncle ... with a boyfriend, I'm more eager to study." replied Jean with a smile.

Jian took a deep breath, something in his heart that was struggling to scream.

"All right, congrats, Jean ... Daniel." said Jian then left Jean and Daniel who looked at each other.

"Daniel!! ahhhhhhh!!! thank you!! you are my best friend." said Jean, hugging Daniel tightly.

Daniel smiled at Jean who looked happy.

"I'm glad I could help you Jean, even though I actually really like you." said Daniel earnestly without pretending.

"Yes Niel, I know ... but you know right? I still don't want to date, I still want to achieve my goals, but you don't worry if I have graduated from college you are still allowed to express your feelings, who knows I accept you, ... because you are kind." said Jean with a sweet smile.

Daniel let go of his smile, happy with Jean's answer, which always calmed his heart.

"Okay Jean, unfortunately I have to go to college in New York because Daddy moved there, but don't you worry I'll come home and ask for your answers." said Daniel with a smile.

"Now dance with me, I looked for you everywhere but I did not find you." said Daniel again, stretching out his hand.

Jean accepted Daniel's helping hand with pleasure.

With his cell phone Daniel turns on some very romantic dance music.

Jean and Daniel two friends dance romantically unnoticed behind the pillar of the living room near the kitchen, Jian looks on with a hollow heart.


"Uncle, do you have vodka?" asked Jian leaning back on the sofa in Abay's study.

Abay walked to the cupboard with drinks, then took a bottle of vodka and two glasses for Jian and himself.

"It shouldn't be vodka you need but love." Abay teased as he handed Jian a glass of vodka.

Jian looked at Abay and smiled slightly.

"Is there still love for me uncle?" said Jian as he drained one glass of vodka.

"There's always Ji, it's just that you don't want to open up." said Abay seriously.

"Who wants to love me?" muttered Jian as he stared at his empty glass.

"She is already in your heart, but you are rejecting her." Abay replied as he refilled Jian's empty glass.

"I saw it myself that my little girl received her best friend's love." Examination Speech in a low voice.

"Who do you mean Ji? Is that Jean?" asked Abay guessing what he had thought so far.

Jian hesitated in silence to say it, only a sigh was the answer to Abay's question.

"I'll go first uncle, thanks for the vodka." said Jian walking out of Abay's study.

In the living room Jean, who was alone, immediately stood up when she saw Jian walking a little unsteadily.

"Uncle? uncle why?" asked Jean anxiously.

"Leave me alone Jean, leave me alone." said Jian walking slowly towards his room.

Jean, who was worried about Jian, ran after him when she knew that Jian was about to fall.

"Uncle, let me help you to the room." said Jean carrying Jian who was slightly unsteadily.

"Leave me alone Jean." muttered Jian without being able to refuse anymore as Jean carried him into the room.

Arriving at the room, Jean lay Jian's body on the bed.

"Uncle, take a break?" said Jean while correcting Jian's sleeping position.

After Jian lay down in a comfortable position, Jean intended to leave the room.

But there was Jian's hand holding her wrist.

"Don't go Nad, don't leave me alone." muttered Jian with his eyes closed.

Jean turned her head to see Jian's face, which looked anxious, Especially when Jian is called the name Nadine, her Mom.