Voices began to be heard accompanied by laughter because they were looking for their respective partners, including Daniel trying to find Jean where he had been standing.

The lights come back partiall with dim lighting. Jean, who was a little lazy looking for a partner, stepped away to the side of the stage. Not to mention that Jean placed her camera on the table that was right next to her, there was a soft hand wrapped around her waist.

Jean was shocked and almost fell, but the sturdy hands were very strong to hold her.

"Be Careful." said the man who turned out to be Jian in a heavy voice.

But why the smell of mint is familiar to Jean's smell.

"Who are you?" asked Jean, trying to observe the masked face, but because of the low light, Jean had a little trouble recognizing the face. but the mint scent that surged from the man's body, made Jean remember Jian's mint scent.

Without answering Jean's question, Jian pulled Jean's hand into the middle of the dance.

Like a hypnotized person, Jean was silent as the man hugged her waist with one hand, while the other hand grasping Jean's hand.

"You just shut up, just follow my movements." whispered Jian in Jean's ear still in a deep voice.

Jean is getting more and more curious about the man in front of her.

"Who are you? I do not know you." said Jean while trying to get out of Jian's embrace.

But Jian's hug and grip was so strong that it irritated Jean a little.

"If you are not honest who are you? quickly let go !!!. before I scream." said Jean in a voice full of pressure.

"Don't shout, if you don't want me to do more." whispered Jian with a sigh of breath crashing into Jean's face.

Annoyed, Jean stared at the man with a sharp gaze.

"Did I ever say I was afraid of you to scream?" Jean said immediately about to shout, but before Jean's scream could be heard Jean's lips were kissed softly by Jian's lips.

Jean's body swayed back a little but Jian's hand strengthened the embrace even more.

Jian and Jean's lips reunited and linked.

Jian's heart trembled there was something else Jian felt, Jian did not think that he dared to kiss Jean's lips.

But there was a strong urge when Jean struggled to get out of his embrace.

Encouragement wanted to kiss the tiny lips that had dared to take his first kiss.

While their lips were still together, one light started to come on, then a second light came on, and so on.

Jian, who didn't want his presence to be noticed by Jean, immediately took off his lips and then left Jean.

Jean stood stunned silently while touching her lips which had been forcefully stolen by a man she did not know.

"Jean !! you're here? I was looking for you a long time ago." said Daniel who came with Tere.

"I've been here." replied Jean, slightly confused.

"Come on, Jean, come with me on stage, accompany me to sing there." said Daniel with a pleading look.

Jean, who is always a loyal friend, doesn't have the heart to see Daniel's pitiful face.

"Okay, just one song." Jean replied with a thought that could not be separated from the figure of the man who had stolen her first kiss.

The farewell event which was held by the Taruna High School ended successfully.

Juan, Jean, Kevin, Daniel and Tere came home from the farewell ceremony, still celebrating at Juan's house.

"How many of the previous programs were not satisfied?" asked Juan asking the others for their opinion.

"Many are satisfied, they are happy because they have a partner, can continue dating." said Kevin laughing while looking at Annara who was watching television.

Jean, who was still thinking about a man whose scent was like Jian, couldn't hold back her curiosity.

"I'm in there for a moment." Jean said goodbye to her friends then walked quickly towards Jian's room.

Arriving in front of Jian's room, Jean opened the unlocked door.

Jian opened it slowly, and saw that Jian was fast asleep wearing only boxer shorts.

While rubbing the nape of her neck which didn't itch, Jean left Jian's room.

After Jean left Jian's room, Jian woke up from his sleep and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his lips which had tasted the sweetness and ripeness of Jean's lips.

"What was I doing? what's wrong with me? there's no way I like Jean, I really love Nadine. And Jean is Nadine's daughter. Am I too obsessed with Nadine? until I take it out on Jean? Oh my God ... what should I do to get rid of my feelings." said Jian as he squeezed his hair.

Slowly, Jian takes an old photo of Nadine when the one with him is at the top. At that time, Jian confessed to Nadine for the first time.

Jian's chest felt tight, when he remembered how he could not forget his feelings for Nadine even if it was just a little.

With an uncertain feeling, Jian placed Nadine's old photo on the table Then Jian went into the bathroom and poured water on his head so that his brain could escape the image of the little girl named Jean.

After several hours of silence in the splash of water, Jian came out of the bathroom and changed into dry clothes.

Jian felt that he needed someone to talk to in order to ascertain what really happened to him.

Without locking his room, Jian went to see Abay, who should have finished work.

In the living room Jian saw Jean who was sitting alone with Daniel.

Jean and Daniel smiled when Jian came over.

"Daniel, the others have left. Are you still here? Aaahhh!! Ouupss..I forgot, you shot Jean, right? congratulations, you must be a lover." said Jian without giving Daniel a chance to speak.

"Uncle knows where the news came from, I have not shot Jean, hhhhmmmppp... " Daniel said not yet continued when Jean's hand closed his mouth.