"Okay ready, I'll tell you now."said Daniel looking for Kevin who gave the light crew a signal to turn off the lights when the last song was played.

"Tere!!!" called Juan to Tere, who was busy preparing the performance of a traditional dancer from a younger class, also some dancers and modern dancers, all of whom are performed by juniors.

"Yes Juan, what's up?" asked Tere seriously.

"For the initial opening ceremony, everything is ready?" asked Juan while preparing the guitar for his turn which would contribute a ballad song.

In addition to Juan who performed the song, Daniel and his band contributed several slow and rock songs with Daniel as the vocalist.

Only later when stepping on the dance party, Jian as the invited vocalist will sing a few songs. And at the time of the last song the lights will be turned off simultaneously, to find their respective partners.

As for the invited vocalists, only Juan and Jian know, Jean and the others don't know if the invited vocalist is Jian.

Because Jean didn't contribute songs, Jean just stood in front of the stage as a photographer.

Meanwhile, Daniel himself appeared after the dance, to fill his time, Daniel accompanied Jean and followed Jean wherever she went.

"Niel can you carry my bag?" said Jean, already busy documenting the event that had begun.

Daniel happily brought Jean's small bag without embarrassment in the sight of his female friends who looked at him full of admiration.

"Jean take a picture of the two of us." said Daniel with a sweet smile.

Without refusing, Jean aimed the camera at her who was being hugged by Daniel intimately.

Seeing the photos on the camera, Daniel smiled happily.

"Isn't that good, Jean? just like a couple." said Daniel without releasing his embrace on Jean's shoulder.

The new Jian arrived with his casual style and the mask on his face, looking for Jean's whereabouts.

Unknown to Jean, Jian saw Daniel who was hugging Jean's shoulder. There was something Jian felt, the feeling of wanting to protect Jean from a man who couldn't take responsibility.

Jian glanced at Tere who was staring at him unblinkingly, suddenly an idea came to mind to separate Daniel and Jean until the dance arrived.

"Hey you, can you help me?" Said Jian to Tere who still didn't blink looking at him.

"Yes Brother, brother ... the vocalist who was invited by Juan, right?" asked Tere with a broken smile.

Jian nodded his head slowly.

"Where is your friend named Daniel? was looking for Juan and waiting at the back." said Jian as if he didn't know Daniel.

"Daniel yes Brother, there he is, !! Let me tell him, you will stay here, because soon you will appear." said Tere getting up from her place and coming to Daniel who was with Jean.

Jian smiled inwardly, then took out his cell phone and texted Jean.

"Pity those who are alone, haven't been shot either?" Jian ordered with a stifled smile.

Jean, who was holding her cellphone, frowned when unclothing, Jian sent a message to her, and knew exactly where she was when she was alone after Daniel's stay.

"Uncle wrong, I'm both with Daniel who just shot me." Jean replied replying to Jian's message with an annoyed heart.

"Oh yeah? aren't you now standing alone in front of the stage." said Jian holding a smile in his place beside the stage door.

At that instant, Jean turned her gaze around the building looking for Jian's whereabouts.

"Where's uncle?" Jean asked irritably, not finding Jian's whereabouts.

"I'm at Jean's house." Jian said holding his laughter even more as Jean's head turned to the right and left like a confused person.

"Okay Jean, have fun little girl." said Jian closing the call because Tere was already beside him again.

"Brother, now it's Juan's turn ... after your new Juan, please prepare yourself." said Tere, handing the guitar Jian asked Juan.

Juan who was already on stage with his calm style and his appearance was so macho, made all the eyes of his female friends stunned and did not blink, especially when Juan was singing the song.

Everyone screamed hysterically calling the name Juan. With great charm, Juan replied with a gentle gaze and a smile to all his friends who were calling out his name.

After Juan finished singing several songs, now it was Jian's turn to wear a blue shirt without buttons with a blue undershirt too, really Jian didn't look like a thirty-six year old man.

Jian walked onto the stage without anyone recognizing him, let alone a few lights began to dim because he was about to step into the dance.

Jian's gaze swept across the building glancing at all of the stunned faces staring at him.

With his distinctive voice, Jian started the action by strumming his guitar and then entered his favorite song, a memorable song that Jian could never forget, the song TREATISE OF THE HEART

Applause and hysterical screams echoed for a long time, when Jian began to sing the song in his sweet voice, The atmosphere suddenly fell silent all fell silent listening to Jian's voice with a touched heart.

Jean as the previous photographer did not realize that it was Jian who was on the stage, but when Jian sang the Heart Treatise to her uncle's favorite song, it made Jean put her ears wide and stare at Jian intently.

"Asssh !!! did I hear wrong? How could he be uncle Jian? isn't uncle Jian home? and if he is uncle Jian why is he here?" Jean asked in a very curious heart.

Due to the dim lighting, Jean was unable to observe the man singing the Tract of the Heart.

After Jian's song was finished, Kevin played a special slow music for dance.

Just the sound of the music playing the lights, which had been dim, went out.

Voices began to be heard accompanied by laughter because they were looking for their respective partners, including Daniel trying to find Jean where he had been standing.