"Do you really love me?" Jian asked suddenly, making Jean's eyes that had wanted to sleep open again.

"Did Uncle take revenge on me?" Jean asked holding back a smile, no longer having the courage to express her feelings after hearing Jian's question.

"I'm not teasing you Jean? I'm serious with my question." Jian said looking at Jean's gentle face, a beautiful face that he loved so much.

"Yesterday I was just kidding uncle, I didn't mean it. How can I love an uncle who I consider my own uncle. Uncle himself once said that between us was only limited to nephew and uncle." Jean said using the words Jian had said to her.

And Jian's words to this day are still in her memory. Jean doesn't want to ruin her relationship with Jian just because of her love.

"Jean, swear on my death if you don't love me." Jian said with a serious face grabbing Jean's hand and placing it on his head..