Jian intends to spend his time sleeping while waiting for Jean's return.

Even though he tried hard to close his eyes, Jian couldn't sleep, his thoughts were only on Jean.

"Where are you Jean? how come your cell phone is not active until now?" Jian said annoyed as he threw his phone on the bed.

Jian looked around his room, his heart felt lonely and empty without hearing Jean's voice.

Somehow that feeling always comes when Jean is not by his side. Is it a feeling of longing or just loneliness.

Jian closed his eyes trying to sleep even though his stomach was already feeling hungry. Since morning Jian has not eaten at all until noon.

With a tired heart and mind, Jian finally fell asleep on an empty stomach.

Time moved from afternoon to evening, to night. Jian is still sleeping on an empty stomach without being filled at all

Jian woke up with a heavy head, his body felt weak because he had not eaten all day.