"Jean, let's go home." said Jian as he gently pulled Jean's hand.

"Uncle." called Mike over to Jian.

"Can I take Jean home later? Jean just came, sorry if Jean didn't enjoy the party." said Mike in a pleading voice.

Jian looked at Jean, asking Jean for an answer to come with him home or stay with Mike.

"Mike, maybe some other time okay? I have to go." said Jean who did not want to disappoint Jian.

Exiting the hall building, Jian and Jean walked silently without a sound.

Jian unlocked the room, then stepped into the bathroom.

Jean sat quietly about to change clothes, but Jian still used the bathroom.

After a few minutes the bathroom opened, Jian came out with wet hair.

"Uncle, why are you showering at night?" Jean asked as she walked to the closet to get a change of clothes.