Evening in Jean's room...

"Jean wake up dear, you accompany uncle Jian in the room. Looks like he has a high fever." said Nadine waking Jean who had been sleeping after coming home from the shop.

"Uncle, what's wrong Mom, wasn't it fine?" Jean asked while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Your uncle's hand is swollen. Maybe because the wound is not treated, now Uncle you have a high fever." Nadine said knowing Jian had a fever when she met Juan. Juan found out when he picked up his guitar in Jian's room.

"What time is it Mom?" Jean asked, getting up from her sleep and going to the sink and washing her face.

"Eleven o'clock at night dear, hurry up Jean, uncle Jian needs you right now." Nadine said while giving Jean a fever-reducing medicine and an ointment for Jian's wound.

Jean nodded her head in obedience to her mother's orders.