Time was running properly, the days passed by itself to be counted on the fingers.

It's been a week since Jean left with her love and wounds. Meanwhile, Jian lives alone, harboring feelings of love and longing.

Really love and longing is so very torturous, pinching, flicking feels sore but does not bleed.

Jian has fallen into the hole of love and longing that he just felt after Jean's departure.

Truly, his love has blossomed for the little girl Jian has cared for and brought up.

Jian stood at the window towards the starless moonless street, many times only heavy breathing could be heard.

The longing that hit Jian couldn't make him sleep every night. Unable to think clearly during the day, even Jian's hunger didn't bother him other than swallowing all his longing for Jean.

With a feeling of longing Jian sat at the table in his room. Two days ago Jian took a photo of Jean in her room.