"Yes Mom, thank you Mom.. I love you so much." said Jean very happy to have Momy and Daddy as good as Nadine and Ardham.

Nadine smiled happily, really the burden in her heart was slightly lifted. There is no longer any guilt towards Jian, because Nadine is sure that in Jian's heart there is already another name, namely Jean her daughter.

For years Jian had lived in loneliness and solitude. And it's all because of her. Nadine also kept the guilt for years in her heart. 

And now her heart is relieved, Jian has found his true love. Love from Jean that will make Jian's life happy.

With a smile, Nadine brought Jean's book, Nadine walked into the living room wanting to sit back and watch television. Nadine had asked Jian to meet her.

A smile appeared on Nadine's lips when she saw Jian was waiting for her.

"Jian are you here already? You're not working anymore?" Nadine asked when she saw Jian sitting back with his eyes closed.