"I heard you Jean, continue talking to Daniel, I hung up the phone." Jian said immediately ending Jean's call.

Jean couldn't continue talking anymore because the call ended.

"Jean, what's wrong?" Daniel asked while bringing the drink he made for Jean.

"It's okay, maybe Uncle Jian is tired, so he's a bit sensitive." Jean said putting down his cellphone.

"So what are you cooking Niel?" Jean asked while walking towards the kitchen to see Daniel's cooking.

Jean doesn't want her problem with Jian to be known by Daniel. Only she and Jian know their feelings.


In Ardham's private room....

"Jian, why are you walking like that? did you fall down?" asked Ardham in his study when he called Jian to give him a new assignment and saw Jian walking with a little limp.

"My foot tripped on the bed, Uncle." Jian answered honestly while walking towards Abay and sitting beside him.