Zeline sat on the chair next to Juan who was lying weakly with a pale face.

Juan's eyes were closed with his breathing so regular and weak.

Zeline took a deep breath several times, releasing all the guilt that was crushing her.

She reached for Juan's weak hand which was tucked in the IV needle on the back of his hand.

"Juan,..." Zeline called in a muffled voice, Zeline really couldn't say anything, other than wanting to hug and bury herself in Juan's chest.

There is no greater desire in Zeline's heart than wanting Juan to come to his senses and open his eyes again.

"Juan, open your eyes..." Zeline said quietly looking at Juan's face who was still silent with his eyes closed.

I can't feel the tears dripping from Zeline's eyes.

"Wake up Juan, I beg you... open your eyes," said Zeline holding back tears while gently caressing Juan's pale face.

Slowly Jian's eyes opened with his fingers moving weakly in response to Zeline's grip.