"Jean doesn't love you Jian? Jean never wanted you? Jean only loves you like a nephew to her uncle, remember that Jian?" Jian's inner voice screamed loudly in his heart and mind.

Jean looked at Jian with all her might but still couldn't get into Jian's heart and mind.

"Has uncle blocked Uncle's heart and feelings? so I can't hear it?" Jean muttered in her really hurting heart.

Without speaking, the two of them walked out of the cafeteria back to Juan's room and saw Juan's condition had improved.

"Juan, it's always good... take care of yourself, maybe in four months I won't be home, I have to finish my studies quickly." Said Jean with a sad smile but it was not shown.

Juan smiled, gently caressing Jean's cheek.

"I'm sure you can finish it Jean, go straight home after you finish college, okay?" Juan said still in a weak state.