"Is it true what you said Mischa?" Juan asked suddenly with his eyes open when Zeline's lips were right on his.

When she heard Juan's voice speaking, Zeline immediately closed her eyes, stood up slowly and then walked slowly towards the small refrigerator in the room.

After opening the refrigerator, Zeline closed it again, and walked back to the bed and climbed onto it then lay down again and slept.

Zeline did it like a person dreaming in sleep, and Zeline did it completely with her eyes closed and without a smile.

When Zeline was lying down to sleep, Juan sat on his sofa chair, and thought about how to dismantle Zeline's charade that actually didn't dream of walking.

But for Zeline what she said she really said according to her feelings.

Within seconds, Juan had come up with a brilliant idea to wake Zeline.

"There's a lizard on the bed, watch out!!!" Juan shouted spontaneously, followed by Zeline's screams, who wasn't sleeping.