Coming home from work, Juan did not drive his car to the house but to Naura's doctor, his mother's personal doctor when she was pregnant with him.

"Where are we going, Juan?" Zeline asked who forgot her plan to go to the doctor to check if she was pregnant or not.

"Hm, did you forget Mischa? We have to go to Mischa's obstetrician. Don't you want to know about the changes that have happened to you?" Juan said while focusing on driving.

"What if I'm really pregnant with Juan?" Zeline asked uncertainly, fear taking over her more than happiness.

"I'm very happy, because there will be a little angel present in both of our lives, we will both love him Mischa," said Juan smiling happily.

Zeline looked at Juan, with cold sweat already running down her forehead when she heard Juan's answer, who was sure to love her child.

"Isn't the child the fruit of a mistake? not from love? won't all of that bother you?" Zeline asked in a trembling voice.