Sincere love Juan (2)

With her eyes closed, Zeline remembers everything Immo told her, how Ardham and Jian had the heart to kill her mother.

With shaking hands Zeline raised her gun and aimed it right at Juan's face.

Zeline stared blankly at Juan's eyes who were looking at him with a gaze full of love.

Zeline's tears flowed harder, her hands were shaking violently.

"I hate you Juan, I hate you so much!!! I want to see you shattered to pieces, but I won't get my hands dirty by killing you, it's too easy to see you die just by shooting you, I want you to die feeling the pain I've felt for years years." Zeline said dropping her gun.

Zeline's heart ached, it hurt more when she knew she had lost her mother.

Juan looked full at Zeline's face, very sad to hear all the words of Zeline who hated him so much.