We love each other

"Equally love." Zeline replied with a very relieved heart and feelings, throwing away her grudge and replacing it with deep affection and love.

"Come on honey, let's go to our room." said Zeline helped Juan stand up, Zeline knew Juan's body must still feel weak.

With Zeline's shoulders, Juan walked slowly into his room.

"Be careful, dear." Said Zeline who was no longer awkward to show her great love, by calling Juan as dear.

Juan smiled gently, with an affectionate call from the lips of the woman he loved so much.

"Thanks Zel, for calling me affectionate words, I'm happy to hear that." Juan said as he climbed into bed and sat leaning on the head of the bed.

Zeline smiled, then went up to the bed and sat next to Juan.

"I'm happy, now we're both close to each other in the same bed." Juan said while wrapping his arm around Zeline's shoulder.