Jian is covered in blood

"You're really amazing Jean." Jian said with a voice in his heart talking to Jean.

Jean smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? Aren't I amazing in bed too?" Jean asked answering Jian's inner voice with a smile.

"Is that so, can you prove that without looking at the tape?" challenged Jian with a defiant look.

"No need to worry." Jean replied with a teasing look.

"How Immo are you going to keep shooting at me? or you're going to be shot first, you don't know who's behind you, he's a sniper and the fastest in town." Ardham said opening his voice after seeing Jian and Jean's residence for a long time.

"I'm not the kid yesterday afternoon you can threaten so easily Ardham." Immo said moving his finger and put the trigger and just pulled it.

Likewise with Jean, as Immo put the trigger, Jean immediately followed him very quickly even almost at the same time.